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Old 02-21-2011, 06:37 PM   #12
Marc Abrams
Dojo: Aikido Arts of Shin Budo Kai/ Bedford Hills, New York
Location: New York
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,302
Re: New Internal Style of The Wooden Staff

Demetrio Cereijo wrote: View Post
Hi Toby,

The video is a part of what happened, there are only 10 MT posts and two blog entries in AJ (and he posted way more and in other sites too) with his claims and ensuing debates. I've been told by another attendant to the expo who was not involved in the MT affaire the behaviour of some of the "good guys" was not especially gentlemanly... and MT version of the incident is not available.

You have a very relevant part of the story videotaped (and, afaik, the video has not been published) but all what happened before, during and after is incomplete and there is some subjectivity in the witnessess and in the participants.

That's why I consider there is not a complete, unbiased and exact account of MT incident.

I was there and I was one of those "good guys" involved in the affair. Mr. Threadgill was kind in his description of Mark. He was exact and to the point about mentioning what would have happened if it had not been an Aikido affair. Mark was given more than his fair share. He was given enough rope to tie a hammock or a noose. The one he tied was obvious to all. Lynn was another of those "good guys" who had interactions with Mark. It is very easy for the you to sit back and make those observations without having to have been there. The "complete" and "exact" parts that are missing would simply have placed Mark in a worse light than described. Unbiased? Give me a break. He had more than a fair opportunity to display any degree of competency. The opinions formed were as a direct result of the gross discrepancy between what he wrote about and would he was able to do (more appropriately put as to how much he could not do). So exactly what aspects of that episode do you have a problem with and why?

Marc Abrams