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Old 06-01-2010, 02:16 PM   #3
Dojo: Sakumeikan N.E. Aikkai .Newcastle upon Tyne.
Location: Newcastle upon Tyne
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,266
United Kingdom
Re: more religious issues

Anonymous User wrote: View Post
i have been training a few months at a wonderful dojo run by two wonderful people. my difficulty is that i recently found out the dojo has been excluding people of a certain religion, based on certain parts of training that they can't do per religious order (bowing, training with the opposit gender, etc). in fact, they have managed to anger certain people of this religion ( which is very predoninate in this area) to the point they are calling for a boycott of the dojo by all "sypathizers against anti discrimination". the are doing this through local places of worship and giving the dojo a very bad name. my problem is that i don't know if any of what they say is even true and i don't know how to bring it up with the senseis to find out without causing offense. if it is true, i will leave the dojo because i don't believe in discrimination or supporting organizations that do. this is my choice and i see that others feel differently. what i want to now is how to find out if these wonderful senseis really are what is being said about them
The bowing to the picture of O Sensei is not a prerequisite in any dojo.If any person has objections to this custom [which is just a way of showing respect to the Founder ] any Sensei should have the common sense to appreciate that due to possible religious practice some people will not bow to the Kamisa/O Sensei picture.Let people practice the art in a manner which is comfortable for them.Why ban them?Surely common sense would prevail here?Have the non bowing students made their views known to the dojo leaders?If not maybe a talk would resolve the problem.As far as not practising with opposite gender again the same thing applies-just let them get on with it and be comfortable.
Seems to me your group dont talk to each other.Is it a cultural problem???
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