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Old 07-23-2009, 08:20 AM   #125
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 1,996
Re: Is It Missing In Everybody's Aikido?

Joshua Reyer wrote: View Post
Well, certainly, I hope you and Keith can work things out. It looks like one big miscommunication to me.
Personally, I think so, too.

Rob, it took me a few posts to start understanding your point. I think I finally did, but really, I think you did a poor job of communicating your point.

Keith, If I got Rob's point right, you mistook what he was saying. But, hey, it wasn't clear to me either.

I got kind of a whirlwind feeling, so I just started ignoring things. I wouldn't blame Mary M at all for doing the same.

Mary E. I took your post like Ron did. If there was some other point, both Ron and I missed it.

Seems that a lot of miscommunication is going on here. Dunno, but I find less and less of it is worth reading. So, going back to the first post:

David Skaggs wrote: View Post
Is it just the people who practice Aikikai Aikido who feel that something is missing in their practice ( internal strength, connection, intent, etc) or do the people who practice Yoseikan Aikido, Yoshinkan Aikido, Shodokan Aikido and Korindo Aikido feel that there is something missing also?

David, can you clarify what you mean by "something is missing". Are you actually referring to an overall, general sense? Or do you have more specific things in mind, like aiki/internal body skills?
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