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AikiWeb System 10-21-2005 09:50 AM

Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"
Discuss the article, "Keiko" by "The Mirror" here.

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jss 10-21-2005 05:53 PM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"

Renshu is practice as we would practice a sport or musical instrument. Keiko, on the other hand, is practice to become a better human being.
I have played the guitar for about twelve years. It was keiko.
I just wanted to say that it is possible. No more, no less. ;)

Jonathan Thielen 10-25-2005 12:36 PM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"
Thanks, Susan...great article!


j0nharris 10-25-2005 01:41 PM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"
We'll be taking the slack out the margerita pitchers on Friday, Susan!
See ya there! :D


Jeanne Shepard 10-25-2005 06:34 PM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"
Great article! I'll be thinking about it in class tonight.

Jeanne :p

David Yap 10-25-2005 08:01 PM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"

As Tanaka Shihan explained, we have three centers: the area between the eyebrows, the area in the center of our chests, and the physical center of balance or "hara" that we are all familiar with and strive to move from in aikido practice. Keiko requires engaging all three centers.
Interesting. These point are also mentioned in the Chinese Qigong.



beanchild 11-10-2005 07:52 AM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"

As a side note, Tanaka Shihan directs that we should most often work with the partners we find most difficult. Doing so gives us a chance to work out our differences and smoothes out the rough edges in the dojo, helping us to create that circle of harmony for which we're striving.
that is the part i find most frustrating, working with a difficult partner. difficult in the sense of their outmassing me or their body stiffness or their lack of follow-through. i have to make a conscious decision not to give in to frustration...

i know it helps my aikido, but at the same time, why can't everyone work like me? lol.

Tony Levi 03-08-2008 10:29 AM

Re: Article: Keiko by "The Mirror"
many things to think about in that article. probably will take me years to grasp the true meaning of this. therefore i am humbled again.
Thank you again Susan!

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