View Full Version : Sonderhausen, Germany

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02-28-2006, 03:45 AM
I might be spending 2 weeks in Sonderhausen Germany.
Any Aikidoka within striking distance?

02-28-2006, 04:42 AM
What's it near? Em and I are in the NE part of Bavaria ...

When will you be in-country?

02-28-2006, 07:16 PM
You know I have no idea. http://www.sondershausen.de/

My daughter will be doing a Master's class in violin there for two weeks middle of June.

I will bring dogi and make a few excursions.

Michael Meister
03-01-2006, 02:40 AM
Sondershausen some 50 km as the crow flies east of Göttingen. Not anywhere near were I am.

03-01-2006, 04:40 AM

Don't know the access to Dortmund from Sonderhausen, but Easyjet do cheap flights to Luton (20 mins from me) if booked in advance.

Looking forward to 8th next month, see you in Himeji.



03-01-2006, 04:48 AM
Hmm. Yahoo.de's routeplanner says Sonderhausen is about 268 km from us, about a 3 hr drive. Look slike it's a little north of Erfurt. We're East-southeast of Bayreuth,

When will you be there? We haven't really traipsed around that part of the country much.

Michael, aren't you a student of Andy's? We may have met at some point. It's been way too long since Em and I got over to Freiburg to visit.

03-01-2006, 05:11 AM
Hi Peter, hi Chuck,

I checked but Sondershausen is almost 500 km from where I live (Augsburg). If you are willing a this long journey, you are invited to train with us. If you decide to go to Chuck and Emmily and they allow, I'll try to join you there. Otherwise I hope you still plan to visit later this year...

Chuck, we met through Andy last year in Munich. I hope it's possible to visit your dojo should I be up there... As far as I know, Michael is a student of Andy.


Dirk Hanss
03-01-2006, 06:24 AM
Unfortunately Sondershausen is not next to Frankfurt/main either (some 250 km). but if there is a chance you touch Frankfurt, when coming or leaving Germany, tell me and I will get something arranged. Although I do not anyone here, who is doing Shodokan Aikido, we'ld have a wonderful training and/or discussion session.


03-01-2006, 06:04 PM
I don't care about the style - travel is always a chance to step outside of normal training.

June 7-21 - basically I will try to rent a small guest house for the two weeks.

At the moment we will be flying in and out of Frankfurt - at least that's the plan.

03-02-2006, 03:08 AM
June 7-21 - basically I will try to rent a small guest house for the two weeks.

Crap. You have the worst timing. We'll be in the US June 1-30 ...


03-02-2006, 03:11 AM
Chuck, we met through Andy last year in Munich.

Heya Simone. Yeah, that was fun. Emily has a Rolfing colleague in Augsburg, I think. Might be a good excuse to wander over there, do some budo, let Em talk Rolfing shop. I haven't visited Augsburg since, geez, 1986 or 87 ...

03-02-2006, 03:14 AM
Hi Chuck,

that would be great! Since 86, well, you should really consider another visit! Just let me know when...


Dirk Hanss
03-07-2006, 08:09 AM
unfortunately our dojo has no aikido classes on Fridays and no space in our time schedule for extra class. Honestly i am not sure, if they were really willing to arrange something, while you are welcome, whenever you want to attend regular classes.

There is another dojo (aikikai), which I visit sometimes. They have iaido classes Ffriday evening and aikido classes Saturday morning (http:www.aikido-hoechst.de). When you have exact time schedule I can ask them - I have to ask as I am only a guest there -.

At least my offer(bid?) for a lunch, dinner, drink is always valid.

Regards Dirk

03-07-2006, 06:03 PM
Guys thanks - its all in the initial planning stages. More info when things firm up.

Dirk Hanss
05-09-2006, 07:42 AM
unfortunately our dojo has no aikido classes on Fridays
Sorry, Peter, I just checked again and found ou, that 7nd and 21st of June are Wednesdays. Did someone change the calendar? :confused:

On Wednesdays, we have regualar classes in Frankfurt from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and you are cordially invited, if it matches your schedule. I can pick you up at the airport, if you like or we could find another way to get you to the dojo.

Kind regards Dirk

05-09-2006, 06:54 PM

I'm in Sondershausen for two weeks - between 5th and 26th. I have to find out how far it is by train to Frankfurt but I would like to visit. If there is a reasonable hotel in the nearby - it would be perfect.
I'll send you a PM in the next few days.

05-09-2006, 07:02 PM
GOOD GOD!!!! People are actually INVITING Mr Rehse in to their country? ...
Do you know how uncomfortably close to the uk that is?
Ive worked tirelessly at keeping him out of europe. and you go giving him excuses to VISIT?
(that and the violin thingy!)
well .... thats it now. Watches will have to be doubled. Men will have to be recruited. We shall fight him on the beaches ... ect
whose with me?
*unearthly silence!*

05-09-2006, 07:26 PM
Guten Tahg mein aikido volk.

Was ist los?

You can't find an Aikidoga in Deutschland?

I had no clue die Deutshen volk practised Aikido.

Well thats goo, I mean that Aikido is spreading across the world to every nation .....quite interesting.How long are you staying in the Federated Republic Of Deutschland?

Quite Interesting,krauts and aikido, I am half German so if your German don't get angry about the kraut word .

Gut bye