View Full Version : Who is Akira Sakane?

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Ulises Garcia
05-03-2005, 12:37 PM
Hello everybody,

I just recently joined the site :) , but have been reading it for a few weeks. I am in the process of finding a dojo in the Mexicali area (Mexico), as I'm more than eager to start. I bumped into one (Aikido Ueshiba Ryu is the name, in case you were wondering), which has a funny thing going :confused: . The sensei doesn't grade the students locally, but a japanese by the name of Akira Sakane. The sensei said that Sakane-san studied directly with O-Sensei. They have no affiliation with the Aikikai (is that any good?), but with the Honbu Dojo directly. He makes his residence in San Diego. Is anybody out there who could give me references of him? Is he reputable? Is he good? Thanks for your information...


05-03-2005, 02:10 PM
There is a interview here in Spanish. Google translation barely make it readable to me, but it seems like it might help you get some history on him. The arrangement you describe isn't that unusual.


05-03-2005, 03:46 PM
He does not show up in the list of instructors abroad on the aikikai web page but that does not mean anything. I did a dojo search and he does not show up in San Diego. If you are unsure, e-mail the aikikai and ask for rank verification. They will verify his rank if issued by them.

Ulises Garcia
05-03-2005, 11:39 PM
There is a interview here in Spanish. Google translation barely make it readable to me, but it seems like it might help you get some history on him. The arrangement you describe isn't that unusual.


Gee! Thanks Craig! I didn't have time to check the interview until now. It is indeed enlightening. Just a funny note. Sakane-san mentions in the interview that he wishes to unify all of Aikido in Mexico. That might be the case, but there is already a Mexican Aikido Federation (affiliated to the Aikikai), just not very well known. Oh well, more politics, I guess.
