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craig chapman
11-25-2004, 05:04 PM
I was browsing the internet about 4 days ago untill I cane across a Reiki forum, i was reading a thread posted by some guy claiming to be able to use Reiki as a self defense art?
as some of you might know Reiki, is a Japanese age old healing art founded by Mikao Usui.
Reiki, is ultimitely Truth, Love, Light and all things Bright!
He claimed that whilst in a cafe he was approached by a drunk who then started to get very aggressive, as this man apprached him, this guy raised his palms facing the mans head and released...his Ki??? making this guy come to his senses and leave all calm and content??? now im no genius but what do you think? I'd love to know?

Many Blessing


Rupert Atkinson
11-25-2004, 05:38 PM
Maybe the Reiki guy's lack of aggressive response dissipated the situation.

Or, maybe the drunk guy thought the Reiki guy was crazy :)

L. Camejo
11-25-2004, 07:36 PM
Hi Craig,

That one sounds a bit dubious.

I've done a bit of Reiki myself as well as received it and afaik it just does not work the way as indicated in the story. Though what happened may be a side effect of the person's training in Reiki, similar to how some of Aikido's training tends to form someone into a person who tends to face conflict with a bit of benevolence instead of meeting fire with fire always.

Reiki means Universal Energy and it's designed such that the channel who is doing it does not actually extend his own personal ki, but acts merely as a conduit for the Universal Ki to operate on its own. All the person does is act as a guide for the energy and "aim" and "focus" it so to speak using a variety of methods.

Sounds to me like he is confusing extending positive thoughts or unconditional love (Ki if you want to call it that) towards the potential aggressor and this may have had an effect on the demeanour of the other person. It's hard to attack someone when they are interacting with you without any sense of malice but only projecting good thoughts towards you. Though this is by no means an infallible rule.:) Reminds me of that Terry Dobson with the drunk in the subway story a bit.

This phenomena is dealt with in detail in "The Secrets of Shambhala" written by James Redfield. My Qigong and Reiki teachers have also indicated that when we extend pure thoughts of unconditional love towards someone their negativity cannot survive and it is transformed. Maybe this has something to do with the philosophy of Aikido and Reiki to some point, but I can't say that it is an application of Reiki as it is taught to many, at least imho.

Just some thoughts.

craig chapman
11-25-2004, 08:09 PM

Thanks for that, is very rare to get some sort of conversation like that nowdays!!!

Many Blessings


11-26-2004, 02:13 AM
Reiki, is a Japanese age old healing art founded by Mikao Usui.
Isn't that a bit of a contradiction?

As per SD - would you rely on it? What Rupert said.

sunny liberti
11-26-2004, 09:51 AM
About the apparent contradiction, I think a better word may be that Usui rediscovered Reiki principles that were lost. That is something that has happened in MA as well. He never claimed to create the art, but gave proper credit to those before whose teachings were lost.

I don't think I'd rely of it for SD. But it's certainly possible that the attacker just wasn't in a mindset to deal with direct energy, or maybe it had the effect on him that he needed at that time - to calm down.

I also agree with this: My Qigong and Reiki teachers have also indicated that when we extend pure thoughts of unconditional love towards someone their negativity cannot survive and it is transformed.

But I wouldn't have chosen that response to an attack if in the same situation. I am a Reiki Master for 8 years, and I've never heard of anything like this from any other practitioners...

I'd probably go for the "make him think I'm even crazier" approach, though!