View Full Version : Dogi question:

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Dave Miller
06-06-2003, 04:34 PM
For those of you who have trained for a number of years, what type of dogi do you wear and how many do you have? Specifically, do you use a Judo dogi or more of a karate/tkd dogi?

I am thinking about getting a Judo dogi and just wanted to get some feedback.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts. :)

06-06-2003, 04:54 PM
For ordinary training I use white judo gi, heavy quality. I have 5.

For traveling I have one light karate gi.

06-07-2003, 02:55 AM
For those of you who have trained for a number of years, what type of dogi do you wear and how many do you have? Specifically, do you use a Judo dogi or more of a karate/tkd dogi?

I am thinking about getting a Judo dogi and just wanted to get some feedback.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts. :)
I use a fairly heavy judo gi.

I get hot and sweaty very quickly when I train, so I did experiment with karate gi for a while, but it didn't work out - I found I wasn't significantly cooler in the karate gi, and it tended to get soaked through pretty quickly and look horrible.



06-07-2003, 03:00 AM
White Judo gi is the way to go.

has anyone else out there tried the lighter weight gi's from bujin?

I found them fairly expensive and mine didn't last very long. (ripped apart)

Did anyone buy one of the heavier ones? how did it work out?

06-07-2003, 06:09 AM
plain off-white judo gi's. Currently have 8 hanging in my closet, but only two pairs of gi pants (I tear through the knees relatively quickly). On average my gis last about 8-10 years each. I have a couple of light-weight karate gis that I wear when it is extremely hot (okay, I know thats cheating), but I prefer the judo gi. Actually, out of all these, I have only one that I really like because it is nice and soft (must have been a different production run), and wear that one constantly.

Avery Jenkins
06-07-2003, 06:28 AM
has anyone else out there tried the lighter weight gi's from bujin?

I found them fairly expensive and mine didn't last very long. (ripped apart)

Did anyone buy one of the heavier ones? how did it work out?
I've been using a heavy Bujin gi for some time now; I include it in the rotation with my judo gi(s).

It seems to be extremely durable, having outlasted others. It is quite stiff initially--for the first month, it felt like I was wearing a cardboard box. (Bujin warns you about this.) After break-in, it is quite comfortable, and the fit is much better than most other gi I have tried. Very good for suwari-waza.

I don't wear it as much during the summer. Our dojo is on the top floor of an old factory, and things tend to get a wee bit close up there during the warm months.


Matt Gallagher
06-07-2003, 09:10 AM
White Judo Dogi

I have 3

Get a good quality one

Important to get the right size though

I have one which shrunk more than normal in the first few washes :eek: and I hate to wear that one now as it looks bad and feels uncomfortable, which is a pain in the rear if you have spent good money:mad:

Happy shopping



06-07-2003, 10:48 AM
White double weave Judo Gi!

& I have no idea how many I have!


06-07-2003, 05:19 PM
Howard Combat Kimonos (http://www.howardliu.com) is the only gi I'll ever wear. Top notch service, fantastic construction.

I have 2 with jiu jitsu gi, 2 blue judo gi. My oldest gi is 4 years old and still looks brand new.



Michael Neal
06-07-2003, 07:03 PM
Judogis actually keep you cooler than a karate style gi, it stands away from the body allowing air to your body. You will also appreciate the judogi more when practicing any grabbing related techniques as your partners will grab less skin.

06-07-2003, 09:03 PM
has anyone else out there tried the lighter weight gi's from bujin?

I've got both the 8.5 oz and the 12 oz gi's from bujin and I adore them. The heavier material took awhile to losen up, but I prefer it to the lighter one. The lighter one shrunk a bit, but no complaints from me.

If yours ripped, my first move would be to call Bujin.

06-08-2003, 08:30 AM
I'll second the Howard Combat Kimonos...those things are built like tanks. However, any double-weave judogi will serve you well, and the older they get, the more comfy they are.

06-08-2003, 11:37 AM
I use pencak silat, or Kung Fu gi's for training...I don't know why, but they just seem to fit me better during training than Karate or Judogis.

Something that has been bugging me for some time now...somehow, I hate wearing belts. I don't know why, but I always feel so restrained if I wear a belt (and no, I didn't tie it too tight ;) I can still breathe when wearing one ). Does anybody else have this? Or am I just a freak? :p

06-08-2003, 09:10 PM
single weave MIZUNO judo gi. excelent value/quality ($65, search online)

06-08-2003, 11:19 PM
single weave MIZUNO judo gi. excelent value/quality

I'll second that. I just got my first Mizuno and it's one of the softest, most comfortable gi I've ever had.

As for the question. I've got four white single weave judo gi in rotation with one new waiting to be hemmed and one heavy weight karate gi for a total of six. I tend to wear out gi in a relatively short amount of time. Probably because I machine wash and dry them on hot but I don't have the time or space to hand wash and line dry.


06-09-2003, 06:10 AM
Yup, i'll go with the white Judo gi too.

Karate gi's ive found too easily ripped and become soaked through with sweat very quickly :confused:

bleurgh! Not nice in hot weather!

You can normally pick them up quite cheap, just shop around :)

Oh...and I have 3 and a half!
In my experience ive found that tops dont last as long as bottoms!

06-22-2004, 10:56 PM
Howard Combat Kimonos (http://www.howardliu.com) is the only gi I'll ever wear. Top notch service, fantastic construction.

I have 2 with jiu jitsu gi, 2 blue judo gi. My oldest gi is 4 years old and still looks brand new.



Yeah that makes since, because nothing says quality Aikido training, like full length ads advertising VIAGRA running down the back of your Uniform.

Just kidding, of course not all of the Gis come that way, and the fact is at last years US Open Judo Championships in Las Vegas I did get to see this Gi close up, and I too thought it was nice.

If you are looking for a really nice Uniform for seminars and special training events consider a Toraki Gi. They are the best fitting Gis I have ever seen, with a great variety of sleeve lengths. Also the pants are reinforced at the knees, and I think they are great for Dojos that do a lot of Su Wari Waza.

Good Luck with you search.

-Russ (The Judo Guy)
The JudoGi Store

May your way be gentle.

06-23-2004, 02:16 AM
One oki karategi for travelling and and spare gi
One rather light judo-gi
One medium judo-gi, rather beaten-up and worn out. I use it as a reserve (and a little bit because I kind of like the rugged look... :D Yojimbo style ;))
One retired heavy-duty judo gi. Never really liked it. Too heavy and shrunk to much in the width.

I have never spend a fortune on gi's. Allways bought rather cheap ones. One day I would like to try one of those really expencive luxurious gi's like Tozandos high-end gi's or similar. I just can't afford it.

06-23-2004, 08:44 AM
Yeah that makes since, because nothing says quality Aikido training, like full length ads advertising VIAGRA running down the back of your Uniform.

While you stated you are kidding, I'll nevertheless clarify. HCK gi do not come standard with patches and such...those are available for purchase and placement on one's gi if one desires.

Also, HCK pants are double lined from the mid-thigh to the ankle...plenty durable for swari waza.



09-02-2005, 08:00 PM
I have a judo dogi form http://www.bugei.com/index.htm for about 65 $, not bad, softened up real good with 2 or 3 washes and has a nee patch. Sleeves are normal length not the 3/4 that you need for Aikido, and only comes in unbleached. Its new but seams to be strong. My other judo style dogi is actual an Aikido Gi from http://www.budostuff.com/ It's kinda expensive, 110$ w/65$ S&H, but very well made, 3/4 sleeves nee patch from mid thigh to bottom of hem, and pant length is short so hides well under hak. You can get it bleached or unbleached, I like unbleached my self. It's my fav. As for a karate gi, most everyone in my dojo wares bujin's gi's, so I went and ordered one to, should be here tomorrow. Thats all so far.

Happy Shopping

09-02-2005, 08:03 PM
Good God I have got to look at these dam dates before I submit