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05-03-2003, 02:19 PM

Firstly I have just got home from an AMAZING seminar and I am still excited.

I just wanna say that Aikido is sooo Cool and hope to stick at it for the rest of my life. I have been so close to quitting resently, but over the last few weeks I have been injected with a fresh passion for the style.

Sensei K Williams today made it so clear as to what Aikido is about. For sometime I have been wondering whether it suits me, and I really do believe it does.

And lastly I got un-bendable arm to work against a really physical test. YAY YAY YAY!

Sorry for the hyper thread, just wanted you fine Aikidoka to know.


BJJer's prepare to met your maker! MW MW MWHAHAHAHA


Just joking.

05-03-2003, 03:32 PM
Cool, glad to see your "revived", so to say!

05-04-2003, 12:31 AM
congratulations Chris! When I loose my motivations to train I watch a few Aikido clips on my PC. You can download some from Aikidofaq.com Works every time for me.

Seminars are a great motivation as well. I am planning to attend a week of training this coming August; can't tell how much I am looking forward to it!

05-04-2003, 06:34 AM
Doesn't Aikido seminars kind give off the Amway convention feeling? Sorry to bust a bubble. A lot of times I need tons of motivation just to go to the dojo. Though I have been off for a few weeks due to work. (need a new job)..


05-04-2003, 07:14 AM
I am a very lazy person by nature. It is hard for me to make myself do anything even if my head tells me that it needs doing. I found that the more sessions you miss the harder it becomes to come back. But the real and final reason why I do Aikido is, I think, because the practice makes me happy. In the end of the day, is this what everyone wants in their lives? - To be happy. Every time I learn some little detail that I didn't know before and see the technique improve, that makes me happy. So, before the next session I remember that feeling and I want to go and get some more. I think everyone must enjoy the practice somehow, otherwise what's the point of doing something you don't even like?

05-04-2003, 07:57 PM
I just wanna say that Aikido is sooo Cool and hope to stick at it for the rest of my life. I have been so close to quitting resently, but over the last few weeks I have been injected with a fresh passion for the style.

....May the ki be with you....

Daniel Blanco
05-04-2003, 09:37 PM
make training a part of your routine and you will enjoy training in aikido.

05-05-2003, 07:12 AM
Hi Chris,

good to hear you stuck it out. I think many predominantly striking arts (esp. to pressure points) can seem superficially effective because the opponent is not moving, only responding in a set way for that martial art, or is only in the imagination. We can all see the power of a punch, whether we can land it against a good opponent without exposing ourselves is another matter.

With aikido it is different - we always train with a partner. Therefore we often get 'real' feedback when our technique is poor. But this is the great thing! These techniques do work (they are intrinsic within most martial arts) and all it takes is focussed practise and sincerety in your training.

I have been through this practicality issue many times myself, and always came out the other side better for it BECAUSE I questioned what I was doing. Luckily (?) myself and some of my friends have also had to use it, and it has proved very succesful in providing a non-violent response!


05-05-2003, 08:38 AM
I come from the school of "you learn to fight, so you dont have to fight." Not having a "fight/physical altercation" since I started Aikido(8 yrs) is a testament to that old saying. I am not saying I havent wanted to pound someone or been a situation that could have turned ugly, the wisdom gained thru training tempers your resolve and enhances your non physical attributes as well. The lesson learned is I dont have to use my fists to resolve problems. Its like you have crossed that bridge/avenue and are exploring other options to resolve conflicts.