View Full Version : Vancouver, BC Dojo

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01-23-2003, 11:10 PM

I am new to this board but I've been reading from AikiWeb for a few months now. I am very interested in learning Aikido but I have no idea if there are any good dojos with good senseis in my area.

I trained for a about two months but the cost for the training at that dojo was a bit too high for me and I struggled to make my monthly dues.

I live in the Vancouver area of BC, Canada so if anyone here could help me out and refer me to a few local dojos for me to try out I would be very greatful.

Andersen Kang

PS, anyone know about how much it would cost for training? Thanks!

01-24-2003, 06:20 AM
Daniel Kempling Sensei is absolutely wonderful!

I'll look for the url to his dojo, and send you another post in a few minutes.

01-24-2003, 06:21 AM
here it is!


best wishes,


01-24-2003, 07:02 AM
You are lucky to live in Vancouver and have an interest in Aikido. Robert Mustard sensei just opened up his new dojo in Burnaby. His site is http://www.aikido.ca/burnaby/

He is one of the top instructors in the world for Yoshinkan aikido. He was the chief foreign instructor at the hombu dojo in Japan for a number of years and is a phenominal teacher in Yoshinkan. In terms of cost, I wouldnt know, so you may have to do some investigating.

If you want to learn Yoshinkan style, then this definetly the place to go.

Russ Qureshi
01-24-2003, 09:36 AM
Hi Andersen,

We operate a dojo out of Trout Lake Community Center in East Vancouver. Our chief instructor is Tama Nakashimada sensei and we are affiliated with Hombu, Tokyo through the auspices of Morito Suganuma Sensei.

We train M - F 6 - 7:30 pm and Sat mornings 10:45 - 12:15. Monthly mat fees are $50 (or an $8 per class drop in), yearly membership is $50.

You can call our voicemail at 604-878-6822 or visit our website at


See you on the mat!


01-24-2003, 11:02 AM
We have an affiliation with the Vancover Ki Society. I've never trained with their sensei but the shodans in our dojo all say he's a great instructor


01-24-2003, 01:14 PM
What about Kawahara Sensei's dojo at the Vancouver Aikikai? His website says their dues are only $45.


Mel Barker
01-24-2003, 01:52 PM
Wow, seems like Vancouver is a great place to practice Aikido.

Russ Qureshi
01-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Yes Mel! A beautiful place with lots of choice in training styles. Unfortunately, the dojo's don't intermingle very much except on a "grassroots" level. That's another thread!


01-24-2003, 02:16 PM
wow, now I know to bring my gi to Vancouver for a great vacation of training, look at all the dojos!!!!

01-24-2003, 06:39 PM
Thanks to everyone for all your input! I greatly appreciate them.



Sheldon Verbeke
01-28-2003, 11:36 AM
Hi Anderson

Here's another dojo that you may want to add to you're list to visit.

www.aikidobc.com (http://)

We've got two Dojos for you to take a look at when you're ready. The Sowakan is located in Maple Ridge and our Vancouver dojo is based at the Japanese Cultural Centre.

Our cheif instructor is Keith Taylor Sensei, 5th Dan in Yoshinkan Aikido, and we are members of the International Yoshinkan Aikido Federation.

Look forward to seeing you on the mats


Sheldon Verbeke