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01-16-2003, 10:22 AM
This may be totally absurd.
Has anyone out there who doesn't shave his/her legs noticed that the hair to the outside of your lower leg is kind of worn off? Like if you look at your shin there will be a definite line from the middle of your shin to just about 3/4 the way to the back of your leg where the hair is much denser. I'm thinking it's from doing rolls, swari-waza and suchnot.
Anybody else?

01-16-2003, 10:27 AM
This may be totally absurd.

Has anyone out there who doesn't shave his/her legs noticed that the hair to the outside of your lower leg is kind of worn off? Like if you look at your shin there will be a definite line from the middle of your shin to just about 3/4 the way to the back of your leg where the hair is much denser. I'm thinking it's from doing rolls, swari-waza and suchnot.

Anybody else?
The only place I have noticed loosing hair is around my knee's due to shikkyo. As for doing rolls, your legs should not be making contact with the ground enough to cause frictional loss of hair...

01-16-2003, 10:45 AM
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-- Jun

01-16-2003, 12:57 PM
This may be totally absurd.

Has anyone out there who doesn't shave his/her legs noticed that the hair to the outside of your lower leg is kind of worn off?
Yup. Down at the outside of my calf. Interesting that it would stay off.

I trained in one dojo where we always tried to stop NAGE with our KATATE TORI and ground our hair and skin with those grips every night. Everyone in the dojo--relatively hairless Japanese, mind you--had thicker, blacker hair around the wrist. On them, it was about the only place on their arms where they had any hair at all.

Jim ashby
01-17-2003, 03:04 AM
Hmmmm. I've just had a look at my wrists and the hair there IS thicker....How odd. As to leg hair I've not noticed any difference.

Have fun

01-17-2003, 12:35 PM
I too am missing hair on my legs, but what is more concerning to me is that I'm missing a significant amount of hair on my head! And I'm relatively certain that the top of my head doesn't touch the mat. So much is missing to the extent that my three-year old son regularly says "Daddy, you have no hair! Where'd your hair go?" My pat answer is "I don't know, but if you find it, let me know."

01-23-2003, 02:24 AM
Not noticed any missing on my calf but looking now the hair is a lot thicker near the wrist.

A couple of years back I was having some acupuncture treatment from a fine sadistical doctor over in Japan. He was doing some work on my lower back (a constant source of problems after an old roller skating injury many years ago). He commented on the hair growing at the base of my back (I'm not a particular hairy person) and told me that the body will try and grow hair in an effort to protect itself in the event that it feels there is a problem. One could potentially (no scientific data to back this up of course)link that to the wrists given the constant pressure applied during katate dori, possibly, maybe......

Janet Rosen
01-23-2003, 01:10 PM
Just to say that my husband, who has never set foot on an aikido mat, much less done suwariwaza, has similar patterns of hair loss on his lower legs. I believe its like any other hair loss pattern based on gender, age, and genetics.