View Full Version : Aikido game

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01-14-2003, 06:28 AM
I know there was a thread on aikido in games earlier, but I couldn't be bothered going back and getting it ;). Anyway, just thought this might be interesting:


Aikido's in that game as a full style.. not like in other games where one or two moves just happen to look like aikido techniques ;p. I've never played the game though, and it's on the Neo Geo and Hyper64, so I imagine it's pretty rare.

01-14-2003, 06:52 AM
Er. Neo Geo Hyper 64, even. They're not separate systems, I just misread it.

01-14-2003, 07:24 PM
Too bad it's on such an "obscure" system, at least to me, in the US. :)

The closest we've ever seen to "aikido" on a video game is, I believe, the Nina character from Tekken fame... although they certainly don't claim "aikido" as her art anymore (I think they did in Tekken 2), and she never really was close anyway. :)


01-15-2003, 02:13 AM
I've played this game before... some arcade in Singapore.

I totally suck at it cause there wasn't any instructions. Of course I was using aikido... too bad he got his ass kicked though.

For a better aikido fighter, try Aoi in Virtua Fighter 3, available for PS2. I just love the way she gets her sankyo on.

Ghost Fox
01-15-2003, 05:52 AM
For a better aikido fighter, try Aoi in Virtua Fighter 3, available for PS2. I just love the way she gets her sankyo on.
Amen Brotha

01-15-2003, 06:13 AM
VF3 has one, eh? I didn't know that. Interesting. :)

01-15-2003, 08:29 AM
Actually it's Aiki-Jujutsu... but hey, techniques are the same... except for some kicks... axe kicks... double kicks

01-15-2003, 09:00 PM
I had a look for that game - seems interesting. Couldn't find a ROM dump for it anywhere, though at least one site claims its a "work in progress". I don't think the NeoGeo is still being produced is it?

Finally managed to track down Kensai for PS1 a few weeks ago - the aikido in it is disapointing. Mr Segal's character does 1

(and one only) aikido move (irimi), but it's sweet!!

Hopefully the guys over at http://www.ugfighting.de.vu/ will get things right

01-15-2003, 11:19 PM
Actually... I think I still have that game stashed in a box somewhere...

01-16-2003, 12:57 AM
I'm thinking of renting Virtua Fighter 4, and getting it if it's good enough. Does Aoi still do aikido-ey moves in VF4, or is it only the earlier games?

Apart from that.. can anyone give an opinion on VF4 in the aspect of martial arts simulation? (Apart from health gauges, etc ;p)

01-16-2003, 03:52 AM
[QUOTE="Christian Freitag (TomanGaidin)"
Apart from that.. can anyone give an opinion on VF4 in the aspect of martial arts simulation? (Apart from health gauges, etc ;p)[/QUOTE]

I've not played VF4, but the UFC game (PS1) was a fairly decent "simulation". Hell, even kensai wasn't too bad and the lass doing the drunken boxing was fun ;-)

You can't beat IK+ though, where pressing "T" on the keyboard causes everyones pants to fall down ;-)

Ghost Fox
01-16-2003, 05:16 AM
I'm thinking of renting Virtua Fighter 4, and getting it if it's good enough. Does Aoi still do aikido-ey moves in VF4, or is it only the earlier games?

Apart from that.. can anyone give an opinion on VF4 in the aspect of martial arts simulation? (Apart from health gauges, etc ;p)
Being a Virtual Fighter addict (From VR1 - VR4) and not a big fan of Tekken (no hate just not a fan), I can honestly say VF4 has some of the most realistic martial arts simulations ever. VF does not rely on long string combos, special powers, or non-existent techniques, their characters are based on well established styles (if not a little esoteric). I mean it’s great to play a game and be able to do Kotegaishi, Shihonage, and Iriminage. I don’t even mind losing in this game cause you get beat in the most beautiful ways.

Aoi is a great character. I have to admit I haven’t master her moves yet. Being an Aiki-jitsuka her specialty is countering techniques so you actually have to time the other characters attack in order to execute a move (much like aikido). Although she has some preemptive techniques like Sumiotshi and Iriminage, and she has this great Tenkan where she smashes her elbow into you rib, an excellent Atemi. She can also Tenkan and step off the line of attack. Also, characters in VF can take breakfalls so they don’t suffer as much damage from hitting the floor and get up in a smooth fluid motion. And they can even stop a throw from happening if they see it coming.

The other characters are also great. Being someone who practiced other martial arts and having friends who study other arts I see the realism in the other character. Sarah (my favorite character) is an excellent JKD practitioner, and Kage is a beautiful Jujitsuka. They even have a Shaolin Monk, Drunken Kung Fu expert, and a Praying mantis master for people who like the more esoteric martial arts.

Simply put, I actually learn stuff in VF that I can apply to my training, like Mai, Timing, and techniques. Cool as hell without sacrificing too much realism.

I told you I was an addict :cool:

01-16-2003, 12:42 PM
The one thing I enjoy about these games are the "counter" features. You know, you hit a button or two at the right time, and you either parry an attack or you take the incoming attack and throw the person instead of blocking.

Aikido taught me a great deal of patience, and sometimes I just like to sit and counter -- test my reflexes, relaxation. :)



01-16-2003, 10:06 PM
All these VF posts... Makes a die-hard Tekken fan cry :p
The closest we've ever seen to "aikido" on a video game is, I believe, the Nina character from Tekken fame...

The one thing I enjoy about these games are the "counter" features.
If you looked at most of the counter moves in Tekken, and not just for Nina (Kazama Jin comes closer to an aikidoka, imho), there's a definite aikido influence there. Jin does a nasty ikkyo nage as a counter.
[QUOTE]although they certainly don't claim "aikido" as her art anymore (I think they did in Tekken 2), and she never really was close anyway. [QUOTE]*looking up the manual...* If I remember correctly, no one was ever said to be an aikido/aikijutsuka... But aikido is based on several other arts (karate, jiujutsu), so it's not hard to see stuff that looks similar.

01-17-2003, 05:07 AM
Got VF4 to rent... quite good, though there are... quite a few moves, to say the least ;). Ended up just sticking with four/five throws as Aoi and her kicks, only punching on occasion. That's gotten me to 1st Dan so far in Kumite, and I've nearly managed to best a 7th Dan, but I seem to always otherwise lose to the others in the Dan ranks. Perhaps I need to learn a few more throws, or some more attacks ;).

01-24-2003, 09:05 PM
Actually it was VF4 not VF3, my apologies. I haven't played VF3 i think.

In my opinion though, aoi is just a novelty character... her moves are just flashy but not that great. Too easy for an attacking character to beat her.

I love shun since vf2. his are just hillarious and great too because its very confusing to fight him. suddenly he'll do a hopping backwards kick, or just fall down kick. or gets you into that rolling throw which is just too cool.

The best has to be Akira. this guys has good strong moves, counters, guard breaks, you name it he has it. Just lacks frontal assault speed. But then, VF caters to an intelligent patient player without all that button bashing and outrageous 12 hit combos.

Not that i'm dicing tekken. has been my fav since tekken 2. And paul is the cheesiest of them all.

All in all, can't wait till sangaku musau 3 or soul caliber comes out. Nothing beats fighting with weapons.

Ah, if swords are your thing, try out Kengo 2 and way of the samurai. they are fantastic. Kengo 2 even has a kotegaishi throw, sacrifice throw and plenty of iaijitsu stuff as well.

Detective Dobbs
01-24-2003, 11:47 PM
Hello,the best aiki game I have seen is in an arcade in Jpan.I forget the games name,it is based on a thai fighter , karate, boxer , greco roman wrestler,pro wrestler,korean art karate,sumo, gung fu and an aikido stylist.He wears a hakama,you pick black or blue.All aiki type techniques,it is pretty neat.Also,hard to find.Peace