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08-09-2014, 12:04 PM
Dear fellow aikidoka,

I am an aikido practitioner as well as a researcher. I published the first ever peer reviewed journal article on aikido training and mindfulness (Lothes, 2013) feel free to Google: Lothes Aikido Mindfulness to find the article. While I continue to research aikido and mindfulness, I am starting up a new research project examining how aikido training may affect self-efficacy in female practitioners, AND I NEED YOUR HELP.

If you are female and practice aikido, I would greatly appreciate you taking about 15 minutes of your time to fill out the survey below. If you know any females that train please share the link below with them. It can be cut and pasted and reposted on websites, Fb pages, via email, etc.

I do not care what rank you are, I need information from both kyu and yadansha.

Unfortunately, at this time I cannot offer any compensation for your time. But, I can offer a very grateful and humble THANK YOU. Only through research like this can we share with the world how aikido training may benefit people.

Just click on the link below to go to the survey.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me (John Lothes) at lothesj@uncw.edu
