View Full Version : YouTube: Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu Tama Aikikai Demo, 1993

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03-27-2014, 10:34 AM

Here's an aikido video of Moriteru Ueshiba (Doshu) demonstrating at Tama Aikikai in 1993.

What are your thoughts on this video?

-- Jun

03-27-2014, 06:02 PM
Hi Jun,
Nice enough video of Doshu.The usual clean lines, the ukes are quite responsive.I like watching them. Having said that I I viewed some of the video clips of Tamura Sensei ,I find his Aikido more interesting.I knew him for some years.Never could figure out how a slightly built man like him could throw/pin hulks with ease, with a twinkle in his eyes and a faint sign of a smile.I have fond memories of Tamura Sensei.Such a loss.
Thanks for posting.By the way how does one post vids on this Forum?I have tons of Aikido videos, mostly Chiba Sensei, Miyamoto, Horii, Yamaguchi,ShibataShihan to name but a ffew.
I am not computer literate on uploading stuff.Hope you are wel, Cheers, Joe

Carsten Möllering
03-28-2014, 02:01 AM
--- OT ---
how does one post vids on this Forum?I have tons of Aikido videos, mostly Chiba Sensei, Miyamoto, Horii, Yamaguchi,ShibataShihan to name but a few.I would be so interested in watching those vids! Especially footage of Yamaguchi sensei ...

Do have any concerns to load them up to youtube?
You could then link them to here.

03-28-2014, 03:09 AM
--- OT ---
I would be so interested in watching those vids! Especially footage of Yamaguchi sensei ...

Do have any concerns to load them up to youtube?
You could then link them to here.

Hi Carstern,
The problem is I do not know how to upload onto any web page.A couple of my vids have been uploaded to youtube by a guy nicknamed Hadronica. These are clips of Chiba Sensei doing Rokkyo,Another clip from my stuff again uploaded by a third party is a clip called Chiba Sensei 40th.Anniversary.On Henry Ellis Sensei web site.
I met Yamaguchi Sensei many years ago.Liked him a lot.Another person of interest is Sekiya Sensei, Chiba Sensei's father in law. Wish I could have more vids of him. Do you have any footage of material such as Tamura/Fujita/Kitaura/Asai / Kanai/Murashige Senseis?I also like Suganuma/Yokota Tada [one of my favourites]. Cheers, Joe

03-28-2014, 03:12 AM
Hi Carstern,
The problem is I do not know how to upload onto any web page.A couple of my vids have been uploaded to youtube by a guy nicknamed Hadronica. These are clips of Chiba Sensei doing Rokkyo,Another clip from my stuff again uploaded by a third party is a clip called Chiba Sensei 40th.Anniversary.On Henry Ellis Sensei web site.
I met Yamaguchi Sensei many years ago.Liked him a lot.Another person of interest is Sekiya Sensei, Chiba Sensei's father in law. Wish I could have more vids of him. Do you have any footage of material such as Tamura/Fujita/Kitaura/Asai / Kanai/Murashige Senseis?I also like Suganuma/Yokota Tada [one of my favourites]. Cheers, Joe

Hi Carsten,
My index typing finger spelled your name incorrectly.I have suitably chastised said finger for this errorThe finger says sorry for error..Cheers, Joe.