View Full Version : What's happening with the Yoshinkai?

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Alex Megann
03-21-2014, 06:14 AM
I read today that Yasuhisa Shioda, son and successor of Gozo Shioda, and Kaicho of the Yoshinkai, has started his own organisation, the Shioda international Aikido Federation (http://gsiaf.jimdo.com).

Looking at the Yoshinkan website (http://www.yoshinkan.net/indexE.html), Inoue sensei (who I was under the impression had previously left the Yoshinkai) is now Chairman of the Board, Chino sensei is Dojo-Cho, and Takeno sensei is listed as the "senior shihan" of the Yoshinkai.

So it seems that Shioda has left the organisation that his father founded and which he inherited, which is a dramatic development. Does anyone know the background to this? Was it a long time coming?


Peter Goldsbury
03-21-2014, 06:53 AM

Which Inoue are you thinking of? The Rijicho is Inoue Yukihiko, not Inoue Kyoichi.


Alex Megann
03-21-2014, 07:07 AM

Which Inoue are you thinking of? The Rijicho is Inoue Yukihiko, not Inoue Kyoichi.


Ah, that would make sense. I couldn't remember what the "famous" Inoue's other name was, and Yukihiko didn't sound right. Do you know whether the two are related?


03-21-2014, 10:59 AM
No relation. Inoue is as common as Smith.

Ah, that would make sense. I couldn't remember what the "famous" Inoue's other name was, and Yukihiko didn't sound right. Do you know whether the two are related?
