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05-04-2013, 04:24 AM
European aikido pioneer Pierre Chassang died on April 27 2013.

His aikido CV: http://www.aikidotakemusu.org/fr/articles/pierre-chassang-8eme-dan

Philippe Voarino's obituary: http://www.aikidotakemusu.org/en/articles/farewell-death-defier

05-04-2013, 04:31 AM
A pionneer of Aikido left us on the 29th of April.

Philippe Voarino's article will help us remember everything with owe to this man who had the most adventurous life.

"I write these few words about your life only to leave those who knew you with something more than the cold, sad feeling of a formal obituary."


Condolences to his family and friends.

05-04-2013, 11:26 AM
A pionneer of Aikido left us on the 29th of April.

Philippe Voarino's article will help us remember everything with owe to this man who had the most adventurous life.

"I write these few words about your life only to leave those who knew you with something more than the cold, sad feeling of a formal obituary."


Condolences to his family and friends.
Dear All,
I echo the words above.In the early 70s I had the privilege to meet Chassang Sensei, He was as I recall a very sincere martial artist .
I am sure I am not the only person who regrets the passing of another pioneer of Aikido. May he R.I.P.
With respect , Joe.

05-04-2013, 01:37 PM
A pionneer of Aikido left us on the 29th of April.

Philippe Voarino's article will help us remember everything with owe to this man who had the most adventurous life.

"I write these few words about your life only to leave those who knew you with something more than the cold, sad feeling of a formal obituary."


Condolences to his family and friends.

I am so very sad to read the sad news of the loss of another Aikido pioneer with Aikido friend Pierre Chassang.

Chassang Sensei brought Nakazono Sensei to the UK in 1963, he was immediately accepted by all the dan grades at the Hut Dojo - He also took part in the great Budo event with Kenshiro Abbe Sensei at the `Royal Albert Hall` - Chassang Sensei also spent a week at Grange Farm Summer School.

I met Sensei just a few years ago where we discussed the early history of British Aikido where he confrimed that `no` English students had studied in France during the 1950s with his teacher Tadashi Abe Sensei.
I always found him a most interesting man, and the article gave me a much wider insight into the life of Pierre Chassang Sensei.

My condolences to his family and friends.

Henry Ellis
Co-author `Positive Aikido`.

05-05-2013, 10:12 AM
sad to hear of M. Chassangs passing.

Can only echo the comments above

05-07-2013, 08:15 AM
Pierre was THE inspiration to the practice of many of my peers and seniors in my early years of training.

Over many summer schools, many weekend courses and many hours on and off the mat, Pierre never disappointed and it was always a joy to sit quietly and absorb a fraction of his tremendous knowledge.

He was larger than life, with a message to deliver and iron-determination to deliver it. His goal was to empower future generations with the means to understand Aikido and its practice.

For the examples he gave me in how to train, how to seek knowledge and how to conduct oneself while doing so I thank him sincerely.

Meeting Pierre was a game changer.

He will be missed immensely.

We will remember him.

oisin bourke
05-07-2013, 12:03 PM
Unfortunately I never had the chance to meet or train with him, but what a life lived!

05-17-2013, 09:49 AM
There seems to be some confusion about the exact date of Pierre Chassang's passing away: both April 29 and April 26 (= the same day Ueshiba Morihei died) are being circulated.
For the record: the correct date appears to be April 27 2013.

See http://www.dansnoscoeurs.fr/pierre-chassang/698711:
Mme Denise Chassang, son épouse ; Sa famille 

Ont le regret de faire part du décès de son époux et allié 
survenu le 27 avril 2013 dans sa 94e année. 

Les obsèques se sont déroulées le 2 mai 2013 dans la plus stricte intimité familiale à Cannes. 

Cet avis tient lieu de faire-part et de remerciements.

Janice Hemmings
06-15-2013, 01:37 AM
I am very sorry to hear of the passing of Pierre Chassang. I was fortunate enough to meet him many years ago and found him to be a supportive, enthusiastic and knowledgeable gentleman.

06-15-2013, 05:22 PM
Sincere condolences to the family, friends and students of the late Pierre Chassang Sensei. His character, contributions and example will always be appreciated and honored. May he rest in the peace he so richly deserves.

Tim Matthews
07-30-2013, 03:51 AM
Thank you , sensei.

We had a short conversation where you answered my question about ' Why aikido?' - by saying that it gives us the possibility of understanding the universe in a way that our mind cannot.

I'm still working on it.


Tim Matthews