View Full Version : Same ranks, but different colours?

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02-09-2013, 08:31 PM
Hi there,

Please excuse me for the newbee questions, but I´ve noticed that similar (at least I think so) rankings, have different colour belts associated with them. I don´t know if it depends on the country or just the dojo, but it confused me a little bit.
I´m in Brasil righ now, where I´m facing White/Yellow/Purple/Green/Blue/Brown, but I´ll probably be heading back to europe where they have Orange and Red somewhere in the middle.

So how does it actually work?
After some reading, I´ve came up with a note refering that there were even some dojos that only recognise White/Black.

Are the sistems recognized between each other under the same "branch", or am I missing something?

Thanking you in advance,

02-09-2013, 08:52 PM
Hi there,

Please excuse me for the newbee questions, but I´ve noticed that similar (at least I think so) rankings, have different colour belts associated with them. I don´t know if it depends on the country or just the dojo, but it confused me a little bit.
I´m in Brasil righ now, where I´m facing White/Yellow/Purple/Green/Blue/Brown, but I´ll probably be heading back to europe where they have Orange and Red somewhere in the middle.

So how does it actually work?
After some reading, I´ve came up with a note refering that there were even some dojos that only recognise White/Black.

Are the sistems recognized between each other under the same "branch", or am I missing something?

Every style does it slightly differently. First off, yes, I have heard of some schools that only do white/black rankings, and giving my test anxiety, I almost wish I was in one. :) The colors are also different based on style, and possibly countries in the same style, I'm not sure of that, but if there are rankings, they are the same number wise. It's the number that will remain consistent. The number system as far as ranking goes is always the same, kyu ranks count down, so 10th kyu is the lowest, and 1st kyu being the closest to shodan, and dan ranks always go up, so 1st dan is the lowest dan rank. Although some schools don't start at 10th, if you have an ikkyu and a sankyu, the ikkyu will always rank the sankyu, regardless of the color of the belt.

As far as other schools are concerned, it is my opinion that if you are going to attend class at a dojo not affiliated with the one where you received your rank, you should wear a white belt. The dojo cho will most likely ask you questions about your martial arts background, as well as Aikido, and at that point the dojo cho may tell you to wear your rank, or may not. I have taken classes for a few months in a different dojo that is physically close to me, and my first class I wore my white belt. The dojo cho then told me after that class to wear my belt of rank, even though the color doesn't even line up with their kyu rankings. However he did tell me not to wear the hakama, since in their style, only yudansha wear hakama, whereas in Wadokai, the women wear hakama at yonkyu and up, and men only at shodan and up.

I personally think it is an issue of respect to the dojo cho. Any class or seminar that I attend outside of Wadokai, I will wear my white belt, unless I am specifically asked to wear my belt of rank. But I also visit as many other Wadokai dojos as I can when I visit other cities, and I do wear my belt and hakama without question in all of our dojos.

Hopefully this helped!


Dan Richards
02-09-2013, 09:00 PM
The color of belts can vary so much, that the only one that matters is the dojo where you're training. Though, worldwide most aikido dojos use white for kyu and black for dan. What's a little more important is what kyu grade you might have at any given point. And if you move to another place, it may or may not be recognized.

Some systems/organizations/dojos may recognize ranks from other places, and some may not.

Just train. : )

02-09-2013, 09:02 PM
Thank you Ashley.

That´s what I call a perfectly clear answer! :)


Chris Li
02-09-2013, 09:38 PM
FWIW, he colored belts were really introduced for children (http://www.aikidosangenkai.org/blog/archive/2012-08-05/somethings-rank-black-belts-in-aikido) (actually, that was a large part of the reason for the whole ranking system in the first place).



Dan Richards
02-09-2013, 10:42 PM
Chris, that's a brilliant article. Good to see all those various facets of information compiled into one place. And as many of us have been seeing the resolution of the historical picture develop over time, it certainly give us pause when considering the term "traditional."

02-09-2013, 10:44 PM
FWIW, he colored belts were really introduced for children (http://www.aikidosangenkai.org/blog/archive/2012-08-05/somethings-rank-black-belts-in-aikido) (actually, that was a large part of the reason for the whole ranking system in the first place).

While I realize they were introduced for children, and I completely understand the reason why they were designed for children, I have to say that I honestly think they are a good idea. I have to say from personal experience that while I have always been dedicated and focused in classes, and since I started at a new dojo, I was sempai, even with very little experience, but the belt makes a difference. Having a visible rank shows other students, particularly brand new ones, that you have the ability to teach them. Rank forces you to be better, simply because of higher levels of expectations of those around you. Personally, I felt a greater responsibility not to let down the other students, as well as to my Sensei, to show him that his trust and faith in me was not unjustified. While it sounds stupid, even to me, my techniques have gotten substantially better after I tested. I am much better at slowing down and being more deliberate and methodical, and that ability to slow down and relax has made vast improvements in my technique. I really honestly directly attribute this to the visible reminder that I have got to be better because I have rank now.

Just my .02... I'm sure I'm nuts though. :)


Dan Richards
02-09-2013, 11:05 PM
Ashley, I like your enthusiasm! The hallmark of a dedicated martial artist. Nuts, too. Check.

And lest we forget; we are all children.

Now I want a colored belt, damn it!

02-09-2013, 11:37 PM
Ashley, I like your enthusiasm! The hallmark of a dedicated martial artist. Nuts, too. Check.

And lest we forget; we are all children.

Now I want a colored belt, damn it!

Let's face it, I am sure that all of us has said at least once, 'Well, it hurts, but not quite the way it needs to hurt, twist my wrist back and then... YES!" followed by frantic tapping. That means we are all nuts. :) But seriously, I made a hugely terrifying life decision, quit my job as a retail manager, lost my insurance, steady paycheck and security so I could go back to school full time, and had no idea if I was doing the right thing, or if I had just made the dumbest decision of my life. And then, I met my Sensei and started Aikido. I did Ishin Ryu karate, a sport, not traditional style, but almost 15 years prior to this, and I truly did love it. And Aikido clicked with me in a way that karate never did. I have never felt so much joy on the mat than when I do Aikido. And now, I have my 2 year degree finished, I am almost through my 4 year degree, and I am looking at Ph.D programs. Studying Aikido was a confirmation to me that I had made the right decision, as as I progress in school and in Aikido, they both reinforce each other and remind me that I made the right decision.

Also, I can say that Aikido has made me a better person. I am better at 'reading' people, I am better at maintaining relationships with professors as well as students. And weirdly enough, my road rage problems are completely gone. Aspects of my life that I knew needed improvement, but I just didn't have time to deal with suddenly got better with no conscious effort on my part. I attribute all of my positive life changes to Aikido, so... yeah, I'm enthusiastic. :)
