View Full Version : The Koshita Dip

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Nafis Zahir
09-17-2012, 04:42 PM
I thought that perhaps someone has figured this out. No matter how you tie the hakama, if you work out enough or hard enough, it always seems to hang down. Has anyone figured out a way to keep it up or should we all just accept the dip?

Rob Watson
09-17-2012, 06:03 PM
Bujin aiki style low rider koshita ... do they still make them that way?

09-17-2012, 07:43 PM
It could be possible that your hakama was not made for aikido. You could also try one with a hera.

Carsten Möllering
09-18-2012, 04:20 AM
... if you work out enough or hard enough, it always seems to hang down.
Maybe find another way of tying your hakama? I myself have never had this problem. And only seldom I see it at other student. Mostly when they ty their hakama "wrong" or loosely.

Brett Charvat
09-18-2012, 08:58 AM
I'd recommend experimenting with different methods. There are about as many ways to tie on a hakama as there are folks who wear them. In my koryu training I tie it in a particular way as taught to me by my teacher, but if I tied it the same way during aikido training it would be at my ankles in no time. When I'm getting dressed for aikido, I tie on the koshita first, with its himo tied below my obi knot. Then I take my front himo and wrap it around the bottom of my koshita twice and finish with a knot in the front. I've heard from several people in this country that I'm doing it "wrong," but whenever I'm told that I have to smile a bit. I learned that method in Japan, and it was practiced by everyone at both dojo I attended there.

Richard Stevens
09-18-2012, 10:52 AM
I've found that if I run the two himo coming off near the koshita underneath my obi near the back and then crank them tight before tying in the front my koshita usually stays in place.

Nafis Zahir
09-18-2012, 08:20 PM
Maybe find another way of tying your hakama? I myself have never had this problem. And only seldom I see it at other student. Mostly when they ty their hakama "wrong" or loosely.

I know how to tie it. I have tied front first and back first. It doesn't hang all the way down, but it comes down a little. What is your method?

Nafis Zahir
09-18-2012, 08:22 PM
I'd recommend experimenting with different methods. There are about as many ways to tie on a hakama as there are folks who wear them. In my koryu training I tie it in a particular way as taught to me by my teacher, but if I tied it the same way during aikido training it would be at my ankles in no time. When I'm getting dressed for aikido, I tie on the koshita first, with its himo tied below my obi knot. Then I take my front himo and wrap it around the bottom of my koshita twice and finish with a knot in the front. I've heard from several people in this country that I'm doing it "wrong," but whenever I'm told that I have to smile a bit. I learned that method in Japan, and it was practiced by everyone at both dojo I attended there.

That has been an on going discussion. I see both ways and have done both ways. So they tie the back on first now in Japan? Straps wrapped around the outside?

Carsten Möllering
09-19-2012, 03:18 AM
I know how to tie it. I have tied front first and back first. It doesn't hang all the way down, but it comes down a little. What is your method?
I'm doing it this way. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bTxgMlwNc-Q)
And this is how it looks after two and a half hour of practice. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XlyuzEaSW7Y#t=324s) (Not too wild that day, ... But even in harder practic my koshiita does not dip. Sometimes, when going very much dow on the knees the front loosens a little.)

I remeber my first hakama did not really fit well. I remember a Tozando hakama that seemed a second skin. Not every hakama fits for every person. The Iwata I wear since some years also is like made especially for me.

09-19-2012, 08:40 AM
I tie mine the same way (and Endo does it that way too, as far as I know?;) ) and I don't have any problems with the koshita either. Although I don't tie it over the ends of my belt, I pull the belt out in the first step and tie below (can't really describe better, sorry...)

I noticed that the koshita seems to slip more when you tuck the hakama under the belt in the beginning, like many people I know.

Brett Charvat
09-19-2012, 08:55 AM
That has been an on going discussion. I see both ways and have done both ways. So they tie the back on first now in Japan? Straps wrapped around the outside?

--Well, I really can't speak for all of Japan, but I can say that at least two good-sized Aikikai dojo in Kumamoto are filled with folks who do. Then again, I also saw plenty of folks from other dojo doing it differently, not to mention other arts as previously mentioned.

Nafis Zahir
09-19-2012, 06:09 PM
I'm doing it this way. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bTxgMlwNc-Q)
And this is how it looks after two and a half hour of practice. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=XlyuzEaSW7Y#t=324s) (Not too wild that day, ... But even in harder practic my koshiita does not dip. Sometimes, when going very much dow on the knees the front loosens a little.)

I remeber my first hakama did not really fit well. I remember a Tozando hakama that seemed a second skin. Not every hakama fits for every person. The Iwata I wear since some years also is like made especially for me.

Thanks! Not bad. But I have never had a hakama where the front stays up without tucking it over the belt. Even if I take my time and tie it well and tie it snug, it always slips off the belt.

Nafis Zahir
09-19-2012, 06:10 PM
--Well, I really can't speak for all of Japan, but I can say that at least two good-sized Aikikai dojo in Kumamoto are filled with folks who do. Then again, I also saw plenty of folks from other dojo doing it differently, not to mention other arts as previously mentioned.

I guess whatever works.....

Nafis Zahir
09-19-2012, 06:12 PM
I also like this way. Some do not like the knot in the back, but I never roll on that part of my back so I never feel it.


09-21-2012, 01:21 PM
Bujin aiki style low rider koshita ... do they still make them that way?

would the low ride koshita show my thong? :D

Rob Watson
09-21-2012, 05:24 PM
would the low ride koshita show my thong? :D

We all know you roll commando. Stop with your trick questions.