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06-20-2002, 04:59 PM
Congradulations to Lynn Seiser for his contribution to July BB Magazine. You (or someone) had mentioned that your sensei would be in there. I was surprised to read your name on some of the items. Congrats, it was well done. It's a shame that Aikido doesn't get the cover!:confused:


BTW, did your sensei perform the iriminage contiunally or did he have to stop at each stage for the camera?

06-20-2002, 11:55 PM
Thanks Chad,

It was a good article. Six pages in such a major magazine showing such a legitimate art was a surprise. The editor himself asked for more after seeing Sensei Phong. I beleive the photographs were continuous. I did not attend the session.

Sensei Phong is also scheduled for the October issue of Martial Arts and Combat Sports doing combinations and counters.

Sensei Phong is on one of the demonstration tapes from the Aiki Expo.

If I remember right Chad, your Sensei trained under Sensei Tri who was Sensei Phong's brother.

Thanks for ntoicing and commenting.

Until again,


06-21-2002, 12:41 AM
ooh, I'll have to get that one. Thanks for letting us know.
