View Full Version : King of Aikido Video

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06-12-2002, 08:56 PM
Has anyone seen these videos? There are two of them and they are offered on Amazon.com. The first one covers the period up until World War II or so and the secnd covers the period afterwards. Any recommendations one way or the other? Thanks?

06-15-2002, 12:52 AM
Apparently no one has seen or heard of these two videos. Any input would be vastly appreciated.

06-15-2002, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by isshinryu88
Apparently no one has seen or heard of these two videos. Any input would be vastly appreciated.

I have both videos and they're very interesting. Some parts are coincident with Stan Pranin's video series but others are exclusive, not just of O-Sensei, but of Ueshiba Kisshomaru, Murashige Aritoshi and Tohei Koichi.
If you can, sure, buy them!

Bruce Baker
06-15-2002, 10:14 AM
Are these videos simular to the 1936 movie "Budo" put out by Stanley Pranin's group?

It is interesting to see O'Sensei as a young man, but even though many of the same throws, and locks are a bit rough, he still maintains the same flow and transition he retains throughout his life.

Could you be a bit more specific about the company issueing these videos, or is the specific title the only thing you remember?

What does it cover, how does it compare to later versions of the same subject, and what are the drawbacks to viewing the older material verses the newer Aikido after WWII?

I know it is kind of like a teacher asking for a report, but until I have seen it, I am depending on the impressions of those that have seen it to interest me into finding it interesting, or to let it go ... that would be you ... the threadwriter?
