View Full Version : Aikido vs Drunken Boxing

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06-23-2011, 05:39 PM
Is Aikido at a disadvantage against a master drunken boxer? i mean, he's already off-balance, wouldn't the aikidoka only succeed in helping him regain his balance? but then the drunken master lost his step.

:yuck: IM CONFUSED. i wanna start drunken boxing just so i can DRINK

06-24-2011, 06:14 PM
Is Aikido at a disadvantage against a master drunken boxer? i mean, he's already off-balance, wouldn't the aikidoka only succeed in helping him regain his balance? but then the drunken master lost his step.

:yuck: IM CONFUSED. i wanna start drunken boxing just so i can DRINK

If he were off balance he'd fall over.

06-25-2011, 05:51 AM
Is Aikido at a disadvantage against a master drunken boxer? i mean, he's already off-balance, wouldn't the aikidoka only succeed in helping him regain his balance? but then the drunken master lost his step.

:yuck: IM CONFUSED. i wanna start drunken boxing just so i can DRINK

Dear Clementino,
If the aikidoka has downed 20 pints [9 litres] of cider /wine and the chinese boxer has only slurped 5 pints [2.5 litres ?]I think it would be safe to say the aikidoka is disadvantaged in a fight. Joe
Ps The aikidoka might well win the fight if he throws the empty beer /cider bottles /cans at the boxer.

Benjamin Mehner
06-26-2011, 05:16 PM
One day I hope to invent Drunken Aikido. We'd be the only dojo that has nomikai before class. :D

Mika Perälä
06-28-2011, 03:49 AM
Perhaps utilize Biiru waza (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xLahIaaMnU) to achieve the right state of drunkedness? :D

Don Nordin
07-01-2011, 11:38 AM
I have not studied drunken boxing, but I have looked at it a few times. It seems to me that they are not off balance at all, if you pay attention you see their core stays centered most of the time.

kyu mg
07-02-2011, 08:53 AM
I have seen a lot of this style vs style....
I always say it's the Man woman behind the style, not the style.