View Full Version : Difference in instruction

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06-04-2002, 08:53 AM
Hi, all. I'm currently training aikido and Brazilian jiu jitsu as a beginner in each, and find the differences between the instructors and the students in each class to be very interesting.

The aikido class is more traditional, with lining up by rank, Japanese phrases, bowing onto and off of the mat, bowing to O Sensei, and so on. Everyone is very friendly and open, but things are played pretty straight.

The BJJ class is, um, less traditional. Training "no gi" in summer, lots of cussing and goofing off, and hard contact -- rolling, tapping out and that "hack" sound you get when you choke someone.

I enjoy both very much -- I'm taking each class for different reasons -- and I respect the instructors in each class.

I'm wondering if this sort of experience is common, or if I'm getting a false reading because of my inexperience. I'm getting a real "Yoda vs. Tyler Durden" vibe. ;)

06-04-2002, 09:48 AM
Otter (Scott),


In my experience, there is a significant difference in the training methods between bjj and aikido. (These differences are even more pronounced when you start attending seminars in both arts, or if you watch instructional video tapes/dvds of both arts).

<I'm guessing here>
I imagine some of the differences are cultural (japan v brazil) and some of the differences may be due to bjj's emphasis on performance.
<end of guessing>

What you've described as your bjj environment is "looser" than what I'm accustomed to (swearing/cursing is a big no-no, as is goofing off), but I'm willing to bet the training method is the same (warm up, instruction, drill--both static and dynamic, then rolling).

Who do you train bjj with? I've attended seminars with Helio Gracie, Rorion Gracie, Royce Gracie, John Machado, Rodrigo Vahgi and Pedro Sauer. I am ranked under Pedro Sauer, and plan on training with Michael Jen later next month.



06-04-2002, 09:56 AM
It is a good thing to train in more than one school. This way you get to know a lot of people and you will get a lot of experience while training in different ways.
After a while you might find that you actually like one stile more than the other.

06-04-2002, 10:05 AM

I train aikido with Sensei Vic Robinson at the West Virginia Martial Arts Association. I've only been at it for about a month, but I enjoy it immensely through the lens of my current ineptitude.

I train BJJ at the WVMAA as well... there is no black belt instructor there, and I haven't trained anywhere else. However, I do feel that I am being "taught well."

06-04-2002, 09:03 PM
In my experience, there is a significant difference in the training methods between bjj and aikido.

I bet there is. Training in just aikido alone, you'll meet up with lots of different sensei's, each of whom would have different emphasis, style and method of application to any particular technique. Further on that, with their different background, body type, sex and etc... learning the 'true' technical aikido may indeed be wishful thinking indeed. Not to say any of their ways are right/wrong. Just makes me one confused fella.

06-04-2002, 11:42 PM
Hi Scott, hi all!

Shure, there are differences between Aikido and BJJ, but there are also big differences in Aikido itself, as mentioned before.

My sensei is said to represent a very hard style of Aikido. We do lots of breakfalls and all irimi techniques are very short and direct. It also looks very powerful (at least for me) but you do not need strength for it.

I've trained as a guest in various dojos round the world, and there were big differences. Some are more formal than others. Some teach a soft style, where you do big evasive movements in the beginning. There are also differences in attitude. It really depends on the instructor and the style.

So you see, you don't have to look outside Aikido to find this differences. And those differences are what make Aikido an all time interesting experince, everywhere!!!!!! And Amas, it's normal that it makes you confused. Don't worry, you'll get accustomed to it!

Best regards and Scott, enjoy your training in both arts,


06-05-2002, 08:13 AM
Yes, different styles of martial arts training differently and often with a differnt goal in mind. Same with styles within a martial art, or instructors within the style.

IMHO, never confuse training with sparring, sparring, with fighting, or fighting with combat. The end result desired often dictates the training method.

Until again,
