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04-14-2011, 02:51 PM
Posted 2011-04-14 14:48:00 by Jun Akiyama
News URL: http://www.boston.com/sports/other_sports/articles/2011/04/14/despite_blindness_lynn_man_seeks_harmony_in_life_martial_arts/

This article entitled "Blindness is no barrier to Lynn black-belt holder" (http://www.boston.com/sports/other_sports/articles/2011/04/14/despite_blindness_lynn_man_seeks_harmony_in_life_martial_arts/) highlights Serguei Vassiliev of Lynn, MA, who is blind and recently tested for his black belt in aikido.

From the article: "It is not magic," said Vassiliev. "It is work and practicing the moves. The attack must start and then I respond. In the movies, perhaps a blind man seems to know when and how the enemy will attack. It is extraordinary but not because they are blind. It is because they are great masters. Anyone, blind or not, can repeat movements, but for mastery of aikido, you must believe its philosophy."

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04-14-2011, 04:33 PM
Thanks for this encouraging article Jun, it shows that everybody is able to achieve his goals.