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05-23-2002, 02:31 AM
I was in the midst of writting a witty review of the Shishida/Nariyama book, admitting my personal relationships with both authors and of course my minor contribution to the translation, when all of a sudden the flow was stopped by the previously unread statement that there could be no personal connection. Rats. I mean Jun how hard and fast is this rule? I'll admit I am not unbiased but never a sychophant.

Bruce Baker
05-23-2002, 07:54 AM
Sometimes the readers most appreciate the insiders opinion of a products final results.

The fact you have some moral wrestling with what you have to say on the moral plane of interconnecting human society is irrelevant if you acknowledge it in your review.

I, for one, am always curious about the insiders opinion of a projects final results.

Bruce Baker/ Barnegat, NJ

Thought about self recrimination: ... we dislike in others the things we dislike most about ourself. Learning to recognize these dislikes, and learning to lead by example, rather than dislike toward our fellow human beings ... now there is battle to be waged!