View Full Version : Uchideshi for Tomiki style people?

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05-08-2002, 03:15 PM
I've looked in the links to AikiWeb and found a large number of schools that offer Uchideshi programs...but none were Tomiki style. Does anyone out there know of any? If so please point me in the right direction.

I wish everyone the best,

Daniel Beatty

05-08-2002, 07:33 PM
Hi Daniel;

I was going to wait until I saw some other replies but your private e-mail was more clear to what you were after so I will answer it here.

In Japan the only person paid by the Japan Aikido Association, the organization of Tomiki Aikido in Japan, is Shihan of Shodokan Honbu, Tetsuro Nariyama. From this he supports usually one deshi for various periods. This usually lasts 2-3 years. At present there is sort of a half deshi and at times there has been a second full-time deshi for short periods. Notice that I use the word deshi as opposed to uchideshi - true uchideshi are very very rare as it implies that you live in the home of the master. Those that become deshi are usually talented Japanese that have gone through the Aikido program at one of the better know universities with respect to Shodokan Aikido. They are expected to teach, do administration, clean the dojo, and basically do everything. For that - well they get very good very fast.

Bad news: no way would you be qualified. even if your Japanese was fluent.

Good news: Many foreigners come for periods lasting from 2 weeks to 23 years. There are classes every day, most days more than one and you can take them all. There is cheap accomodation nearby and for those wanting to stay longer - work is not hard to find. The dojo is very welcoming - my best advice is to come visit. Write Nariyama - tell him your background. The current full time deshi, Sakai-san just spent a year in California teaching Aikido and speaks very good English.

I notice you are from Karl Geis background. A lot will seem familiar but there is much, and I am not talking about shiai, that is very different. At the very least you will experience something rather than just hear about it second hand. I would encourage you, and anyone else, to come.


Originally posted by drbeat17
I've looked in the links to AikiWeb and found a large number of schools that offer Uchideshi programs...but none were Tomiki style. Does anyone out there know of any? If so please point me in the right direction.

I wish everyone the best,

Daniel Beatty