View Full Version : Concerns about Hombu dojo shidoin hands - enhancing wrist power

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06-07-2010, 11:54 PM
I've trained with some shidoins from Hombu Dojo in some seminars. I'm having a big question about the Shidoin's wrist which is much bigger and stronger than ordinary man.
Is there any recipe or daily exercises to enhance my wrist power?

Thanks in advance

Nafis Zahir
06-08-2010, 02:40 AM
I've trained with some shidoins from Hombu Dojo in some seminars. I'm having a big question about the Shidoin's wrist which is much bigger and stronger than ordinary man.
Is there any recipe or daily exercises to enhance my wrist power?

Thanks in advance

Thousands & Thousands of Bokken cuts. Ring the bokken at the end of the cut as if you are ringing out a towel. It is just for a quick second or two and then ease up the grip and keep cutting. Your wrist and your grip will become very strong.

06-08-2010, 04:38 AM
I used to trained with ITO shidoin from Hombu Dojo few times. he told me that he hardly trained with weapons, but he's got such a big and powerful wrist. So the point u mentions about training with Bokken..
I'm still concerning about the Aikido training methodologies...
How to get such a big and power hand like them?

06-08-2010, 05:15 AM
Why would you think big wrists are a good thing though?

06-08-2010, 05:37 AM
It comes from extending or stretching the fingers (part of whole body connection and movement) during the execution of a technique.

This extension of the fingers is easily seen in this unbendable arm video at .54 minutes into the video;



Walter Martindale
06-08-2010, 05:39 AM
Big wrists? choose your parents wisely. Big forearm muscles? choose your parents wisely, and train hard for a long time.

06-08-2010, 09:11 AM
I've trained with some shidoins from Hombu Dojo in some seminars. I'm having a big question about the Shidoin's wrist which is much bigger and stronger than ordinary man.
Is there any recipe or daily exercises to enhance my wrist power?

Thanks in advance

Yeah man... it's the bokken that does that..that and 30 years of taking nikkyo can help too I guess . I fund a similar issue while trying to keep connection with my tiny little girl hands to a shihan. Year and years of bokken cuts was his explanation.

Keith Larman
06-08-2010, 09:27 AM
People complain about my strong forearms and thick wrists rather often. Polishing swords all day long for years has resulted in very strong hands and wrists. I also train a lot with my bokken and I have a suburito (http://bugei.com/product_1080_detailed.htm) that I absolutely love to train with. Big, long, heavy. I wouldn't recommend it for someone new to the sword as it will just teach all the wrong habits. But using something like that to train you to relax and "unify mind and body" is great if you already have good form. I use mine almost daily.

06-08-2010, 11:12 AM
If you grip your right arm around and above the right wrist with the left hand and make a fist and squeeze real tight ( with the right hand) the forearm muscle of the right arm will bulge not the muscle closest to the wrist.

If you open your right hand and stretch the fingers of the right hand you will feel the muscle(s) closet to the right wrist bulging.

I have receive many complaints from ukes that when I extend my fingers of the hand they have difficulty maintaining the grip due to the muscles near the wrist expanding.

06-08-2010, 01:56 PM
Try this:


06-08-2010, 09:27 PM
Thanks 4 ur replies.
However, I'm still seeking the best way of training in Aikido to develop my power(mind and body).
The first impression about shidoins from Hombu dojo is their hand power in physical terms.
One shidoin told me that, he hardly trained with weapons. so Training with weapons doesn't take an important role for this matter for those shidoins

06-08-2010, 09:52 PM
Thanks 4 ur replies.
However, I'm still seeking the best way of training in Aikido to develop my power(mind and body).
The first impression about shidoins from Hombu dojo is their hand power in physical terms.
One shidoin told me that, he hardly trained with weapons. so Training with weapons doesn't take an important role for this matter for those shidoins

Try these.


06-09-2010, 08:33 PM
thanks David
ur link helps me to understand further about Ki thing..
however, about the relax, etc.. i am still skeptical about it..

06-10-2010, 06:26 AM
thanks David
ur link helps me to understand further about Ki thing..
however, about the relax, etc.. i am still skeptical about it..

You sound like your main goal is to find a flaw in everything and use that as a reason to do nothing. I don't personally consider more powerful wrists to be an important goal -- if you're training correctly, they'll become as powerful as needed -- but if it's what you want, your "method" of going about it is guaranteed to accomplish absolutely nothing.

06-10-2010, 08:23 AM
thanks David
ur link helps me to understand further about Ki thing..
however, about the relax, etc.. i am still skeptical about it..

I would set up a daily practice of basic Aikido movements as a foundation for Aikido such as these;




Practice slowly with attention to details. Relaxation will come with time and practice.

Good Luck
