View Full Version : Lewis Young Sensei (Yondan, Glendale Aikikai) passed away

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12-18-2009, 01:53 PM
Posted 2009-12-18 13:52:11 by Kin Lam
News URL: http://www.glendaleaikido.org/

Mark Adachi and Glendale Aikikai are sad to report the death of our beloved friend and teacher Lewis Young, who died suddenly on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 from complications due to heart surgery. He was 70 years old. Uncle Lew started aikido in 1983 and trained continuously for the next 26 years right up until October of this year. He was a co-founder of Musubi Dojo in Claremont, CA, and was a founding member and senior instructor for Glendale Aikikai. He attained the rank of Yondan. Uncle Lew will be deeply missed by the members of Glendale Aikikai, family and friends.

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12-19-2009, 05:23 PM
Condolences on your loss. I hope you can continue to train with his inspiration in your hearts.

12-20-2009, 09:07 PM
My condolensces, and that of the Aikido Associates West Coast, on the loss of a key member of your dojo, and of the Aikido community.

May peace and kind memories be yours in the years to come.

In Oneness