View Full Version : YouTube: Aikido in War

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mazhar dardari
08-31-2009, 04:49 PM

08-31-2009, 07:25 PM
Pretty neat video. The horsemanship was kinda getting to me but the aikido was entertaining.

08-31-2009, 07:45 PM
That was almost as good as Gymkata.

C. David Henderson
08-31-2009, 07:58 PM
If I'm not mistaken, and I very well may be, the camel fell over in astonishment.

08-31-2009, 08:31 PM
whoa! are those Romans? Roman legionnaires without shields? long swords?


08-31-2009, 11:02 PM
For a second there I thought the other thread's aikido short film was done!

Hmm interesting video. For fun or is it for a real show on tv/movie?

Hebrew Hammer
09-22-2009, 11:18 PM
I actually think this was a better production than 'Alexander'. At least I didn't have to suffer through one of Angelina Jolie's horrible accents.

mazhar dardari
09-23-2009, 04:52 AM
I actually think this was a better production than 'Alexander'. At least I didn't have to suffer through one of Angelina Jolie's horrible accents.

Thanks Man , you know I'm looking forward to go to Hollywood for Industry fighting in the movies, Then I will be meeting Angelina Jolie and I will explain to her your think for horrible accents.

09-23-2009, 09:20 AM
whoa! are those Romans? Roman legionnaires without shields? long swords?

With Allah hu akbar? Crusaders more likely.

09-23-2009, 11:39 AM
That was almost as good as Gymkata.
Hold your tongue. Gymkata was the Supreme Ultimate!!

09-23-2009, 12:45 PM
I did say "almost", Michael. I'd say it aspires to a Gymkata-esque level of...of...of...

...words fail me.

09-23-2009, 12:59 PM
You do not think much of the martial art Gymkata (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gTkUcXGF_Q)? Is it because there is never a pommel horse around when you need one and carry one with you isn't easy?


09-24-2009, 08:35 AM
I actually think this was a better production than 'Alexander'. At least I didn't have to suffer through one of Angelina Jolie's horrible accents.

Watch your mouth buddy ;) , she does a better job at her accent than Ewan McGregor in Angels and Demons... who first started out as an Italian and ended up as an Irish... :D

Arashi Kumomura
09-26-2009, 03:21 AM
That was pretty awesome. I enjoyed that a lot. : )

(my comment on youtube: Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, I found that this offered a side of the martial art that is seldom displayed and it was really neat to see it portrayed like this.

People should keep in mind that they're are different styles of Aikido, some more combat-oriented than others.

I've never seen a large-scale "Aikido display" like this and I thought it was very interesting and for the most part, pretty well done. It actually showed how Aikido concepts can apply in such a situation.)

Maarten De Queecker
09-27-2009, 01:54 AM
That was pretty awesome. I enjoyed that a lot. : )

(my comment on youtube: Contrary to what a lot of people seem to think, I found that this offered a side of the martial art that is seldom displayed and it was really neat to see it portrayed like this.

People should keep in mind that they're are different styles of Aikido, some more combat-oriented than others.

I've never seen a large-scale "Aikido display" like this and I thought it was very interesting and for the most part, pretty well done. It actually showed how Aikido concepts can apply in such a situation.)

It shows how it can work if your opponents are a) incredibly lousy and slow sword fighters/martial artists who leave themselves full of openings all the time, b) clearly don't have the slightest intention of killing you, c) honorable warriors who would never, ever backstab anyone because that's "so not cool".

All in all, good demonstration but if you want aikido on a battlefield, I think you're better off watching "the last samurai".

Arashi Kumomura
09-27-2009, 03:06 PM
It shows how it can work if your opponents are a) incredibly lousy and slow sword fighters/martial artists who leave themselves full of openings all the time, b) clearly don't have the slightest intention of killing you, c) honorable warriors who would never, ever backstab anyone because that's "so not cool".

All in all, good demonstration but if you want aikido on a battlefield, I think you're better off watching "the last samurai".

Haha. I tried to keep in consideration how very choreographed it was. But I do feel, though it may not have been so displayed in the video and I may just be deluded with misconceptions about aikido, that a lot of the motions and techniques we learn are applicable in a battle such as this (assuming the opponents aren't so lousy and slow). : )

The fact that no one was stabbed from behind while pulling a technique did bother me, though. I felt it took a little from the small amount of realism it already had.

Where was aikido used in "The Last Samurai"?

Maarten De Queecker
09-27-2009, 03:47 PM
Haha. I tried to keep in consideration how very choreographed it was. But I do feel, though it may not have been so displayed in the video and I may just be deluded with misconceptions about aikido, that a lot of the motions and techniques we learn are applicable in a battle such as this (assuming the opponents aren't so lousy and slow). : )

The fact that no one was stabbed from behind while pulling a technique did bother me, though. I felt it took a little from the small amount of realism it already had.

Where was aikido used in "The Last Samurai"?

Either the moment Cruise is having his "there is indeed something spiritual about this place" monologue, or when they prepare for their final stand, I'm not really sure. It could also be Jiu Jitsu, but it looked an awful lot like aikido to me (which would be a huge anachronism).

And sure the techniques we are taught are applicable in battles such as this, no doubt about that, but keep in mind that in battle everything goes very fast, and you hardly have any place and time to do big movements, let alone think about which move you're going to pull off. Between you and certain death by an enemy stands only your reflexes.

09-27-2009, 04:32 PM
Where was aikido used in "The Last Samurai"?

There was an uchi kaiten nage in the first battle. A samurai tries stabbing Algren with a spear from horse back and he takes it turns and throws the samurai from the horse with the spear.

Kevin Leavitt
09-27-2009, 09:42 PM
Nah that was a judo uchi kaiten nage, not an aikido one.

Dilip Deodhar
09-28-2009, 03:48 PM
Aikido technique executions was pretty good but the executions were cruel :) Yes, I know, any war is cruel. This gives a glimpse of how different cultures could see Aikido differently!

On another point, my interpretation is that Aikido empty hand techniques are parallel to corresponding sword techniques. So, if one has a sword in his hand, he would rarely use a hand technique but instead do the same/similar technique with the sword. Hand to arm/body will usually happen only when in a clinch. In general ancient warlike situations, a sword is much preferable than a hand. But its OK if we take it as an Aikido demo. But it also seems to be a 'Allah Ho Akbar' propaganda as we don't see the opposite side yelling anything :)

Hebrew Hammer
09-28-2009, 10:54 PM
It shows how it can work if your opponents are a) incredibly lousy and slow sword fighters/martial artists who leave themselves full of openings all the time, b) clearly don't have the slightest intention of killing you, c) honorable warriors who would never, ever backstab anyone because that's "so not cool".

All in all, good demonstration but if you want aikido on a battlefield, I think you're better off watching "the last samurai".

Maarten, you're comparing this local production to a major Hollywood block buster? Be nice...the man is trying to be creative, incorporate some martial arts, and to entertain...he hardly has a full production crew, a multimillion dollar budget, Tom "Super Scientologist" Cruise, and a full time stunt coordinator. I have seen worse fight scenes from Hollywood productions.

09-29-2009, 07:42 AM
Nah that was a judo uchi kaiten nage, not an aikido one.

Of course. If it had been an Aikido one it wouldn't have worked, I keep forgetting. :D

Maarten De Queecker
09-29-2009, 08:23 AM
Maarten, you're comparing this local production to a major Hollywood block buster? Be nice...the man is trying to be creative, incorporate some martial arts, and to entertain...he hardly has a full production crew, a multimillion dollar budget, Tom "Super Scientologist" Cruise, and a full time stunt coordinator. I have seen worse fight scenes from Hollywood productions.I'm not comparing the production, I'm comparing the techniques used, the speed of attacking etc.