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01-14-2009, 02:35 PM
Posted 2009-01-14 14:35:35 by Jun Akiyama
News URL: http://www.usafaikidonews.com

The latest edition of the USAF Aikido News (http://www.usafaikidonews.com) online newsletter is now available. This edition includes an interview with Yamada sensei, articles, seminar photos, and more.

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01-15-2009, 07:20 AM
Under "Dan Promotions" is the list of the new 6th and 7th Dans in the USAF:

Cal Fromer - Long Island Aikikai
John Johnson - Orlando Aikikai
Charles Koh - New York Aikikai
T.K. Lee - Aikido of Houston
Cliff Marcus - Aikido of Nassau County
Kazuho Nishida - City Aikido of Los Angeles
Saul Rosenberg - Long Island Aikikai
Bonita Veysey - Helderberg Aikido

Luqman Abdul Hakeem - Aikido Schools of Maghreb
Hal Lehrman - Aikido of Park Slope
Jane Ozeki - New York Aikikai
Steve Pimsler - New York Aikikai
Rick Stickles - Aikido Schools of New Jersey

If I'm not mistaken, Jane Ozeki is the first woman 7th Dan in the US.

Congratulations to all!

01-15-2009, 08:58 AM
Yes, I saw that as well. Much deserved, IMHO. She is a truly great person on and off the mat.
I did not see her listed as a Shihan though...is it not automatic?

BTW- Roma Strathman is a 7th Dan (female) under the Fugakukai org. She is based in Md.


Daniel Blanco
01-15-2009, 02:28 PM
Congrats to all !!

Jennifer Yabut
01-15-2009, 02:58 PM
If I'm not mistaken, Jane Ozeki is the first woman 7th Dan in the US.

Congratulations to all!

Cecilia Ricciotti Sensei (Ki Society) is also 7th Dan.

Jane Ozeki Sensei is the first woman 7th Dan in the USAF, and I'm very happy for her. My dojo had the pleasure of hosting her for a seminar last November. :-D I would also think that would make her a shihan, but the teacher list was just updated in December. Maybe by the next update?

Congrats to all!

01-16-2009, 09:42 AM
Jane Ozeki Sensei is the first woman 7th Dan in the USAF, and I'm very happy for her.
I just ran across a demonstration video featuring Ozeki sensei that was posted by her daughter on YouTube:


Congratulations go out to her and everyone else who received kagami biraki promotions!

-- Jun