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08-26-2008, 03:45 PM
Posted 2008-08-26 15:44:58 by Jun Akiyama
News URL: http://durangoherald.com/asp-bin/article_generation.asp?article_type=news&article_path=/news/08/news080824_6.htm

This article entitled "Durango sees some Japanese flair" (http://durangoherald.com/asp-bin/article_generation.asp?article_type=news&article_path=/news/08/news080824_6.htm) focuses on a summer festival held in Durango, CO to benefit the Aikido Life Program in the Durango School District 9-R schools.

From the article: "Students from third grade through high school can take an Aikido program as a physical-education elective, and more than 250 kids have taken advantage of the program in its 1.5 year lifespan. [...] "It has a lot to offer as far as an art, and it really helps you see things differently," said Cady, who said that before the Aikido Life Program he was a violent and troubled young man. "You lose your violent feelings, and I learned different ways to get through situations that I couldn't before. It's definitely been a positive change for me," he said."

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