View Full Version : time machine part 2

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06-01-2008, 06:51 AM
What would happen is Osensei came forward in time to visit your dojo (with the best language translater if needed)?

I know we are all thinking he would obviously just join class, take ukemi, thank us for our time, and go have a beer after class to BS about how pleased he is with us doing his art and representing his life's work so well.

For me, of course I'd toss him around a bit and show him all the improvements I've made!!! :)

But for the sake of it, let's leave out all of the "I AM doing the only true aikido" and focus on the what if Osensei didn't approve...

part a: Names:

What if he saw what you were doing, was outraged, and demanded you stop calling your art "aikido". What name would you call what you are doing?

What if he did that so often that he decided - forget it, I'll make a new name for myself. What name do you think he would chose next for his art?

part b: technical approach

Would even that visit get you to change your entire approach? If for instance, Osensei saw your kotegaeshi and said what hell are you doing? That is terrible! Never do it that way again! Here, let me show you - and then showed you how to do it in a way that you hated. Would you fall back on what you are comfrotable with the moment he left the dojo? How about if that happened with every single aspect of what you've been doing all this time.

part c: loyalty

What if he demanded everyone start doing a ton of misogi exercises and most of your students were quitting/dropping out. Would your loyalty be to your students or to Osensei's aikido?

What if he watched your shihan that you've followed faithfully for years and told you that he had trained that shihan wrong as a joke? Would you stay with your shihan who may insist that his (something short of "scrotum to your fist" technique) is the correct and true aikido, or would you move on?

part d: spirituality

What if he clearly explained his view points on aikido and kotodama? I don't know enough about this to even ask good questions. Would find yourselves chanting? hmm, Would you be more or less interested in such aikido direction?

...please come up with more parts yourselves..


06-01-2008, 03:39 PM
I would follow O'sensei. If he told me what i was doing was wrong, and showed me the proper way. I would 100% stop what i was doing and practice it the way he showed me. If he taught us how and told us to start doing ritual misogi, then i would whole heartedly do so. And if he taught us how to chant the kotodama and told us to do so daily in spiritual meditation, then once again, i would whole heartedly do so.

in aiki

06-01-2008, 06:46 PM
Wow. I have to say that if he showed up and started making students who have been loyal to me for the psat 15 years leave, I'd end up with 2 dojos. 1 secret one where I worked with my students - and 1 public one where I did what Osensei was telling me. Eventually, I'd of course try to work the students into the new path.

Enrique Antonio Reyes
06-01-2008, 11:46 PM
The first thread was fun to answer. This one gives me the creeps...

Out of respect to O sensei I would probably follow him intently...

I believe that what makes Aikido so special is that you can create your own style so I guess eventually I am gonna talk to him about it discuss with him how I feel about the differences...

If he disowns me then I would gladly accept the situation and probably rename my art...Aikidont (sorry can't think of anything right now)

Bottomline is I have deepest respects for O Sensei's work and will strive to contribute through my own way.



06-02-2008, 10:59 AM
first, I am going to ask him to fill out the insurance waiver form. Don't want to him to slip on a banana peel in front of our dojo and then sue us. Then I'll ask him if he wants to join the dojo and pays the monthly due (cash only, can't trust these old folks with money); and if he wants his son and/or grandson to join as well because we have family discount. I'll ask him for his credential such as honbu affiliation of some sort or some aikikai organization; can't have just any old guy from the street to tell us how to do aikido. I would need to check out his claim by asking the internal folks like Mike and/or Dan to check out his ki stuffs, because we can't have folks who do aikido without ki. I would put him into the octagon to check out his claim on the harmony (ai) stuffs. I would put him with Dr. Phil to discuss about his obsession with the universe and making all those strange noises which he called kotodama. And not to mention the unhygienic way he took bath under the water fall without any soap and shampoo; and I'd bet he didn't even wash behind his ears.

Those were my starter points. :D :D :D

Phi (the aikidorka)

06-02-2008, 12:32 PM
I have to say I'd very respectfully do it as he suggests, and at least give it a chance to work for me. Trusting he probably knows better than most.

If after some time, the joy of it was lost or it didn't work for me I'd go back to the current way, which I wouldn't be doing if I didn't love it. I wouldn't follow someone, whether my current teacher or the Founder if it doesn't fit for me. My belief is I'm supposed to find my own way in life.

As for what I'd call it (assuming I were the instructor), it could be goony-goo-goo for all I care.

O.k., I'm now ready for the whipping from "some" high ranking (and much more experienced) folks.

Nafis Zahir
06-03-2008, 02:03 AM
I think that most of us would follow O'Sensei, but as time went own, we would still develope our own styles, the same way all of his students did. It's not that we would change his techniques, but we would each have our own interpretation of them.

Enrique Antonio Reyes
06-05-2008, 03:35 PM
first, I am going to ask him to fill out the insurance waiver form. Don't want to him to slip on a banana peel in front of our dojo and then sue us. Then I'll ask him if he wants to join the dojo and pays the monthly due (cash only, can't trust these old folks with money); and if he wants his son and/or grandson to join as well because we have family discount. I'll ask him for his credential such as honbu affiliation of some sort or some aikikai organization; can't have just any old guy from the street to tell us how to do aikido. I would need to check out his claim by asking the internal folks like Mike and/or Dan to check out his ki stuffs, because we can't have folks who do aikido without ki. I would put him into the octagon to check out his claim on the harmony (ai) stuffs. I would put him with Dr. Phil to discuss about his obsession with the universe and making all those strange noises which he called kotodama. And not to mention the unhygienic way he took bath under the water fall without any soap and shampoo; and I'd bet he didn't even wash behind his ears.

Those were my starter points. :D :D :D

Phi (the aikidorka)

This is as good as it gets...Best answer I have read.

06-05-2008, 04:24 PM
Interesting post Rob, thanks,