View Full Version : Audio Podcast Interview with Ellis Amdur

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02-07-2008, 02:41 PM
Bob King and I met Ellis Amdur at his Seminar in Oberlin, Ohio a few weeks ago. We had a blast and learned a lot. The Oberlin club was a great host and we hope to get back there again very soon. While we were there, we began to interview Ellis about Aikido and Budo and we realized that we needed much more time to really get into this stuff, so we decided to speak by phone to really get deeper into these subjects. This was really a fantastic discussion and I hope we have a chance to meet Ellis again soon!

You can check out the interview at:


Hope you enjoy it!

Jeff Davidson and Bob King

02-07-2008, 02:46 PM
excellent! Thanks for the update on the podcast. I'll check this out first thing tomorrow morning.