View Full Version : Iwama Hakama

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Nafis Zahir
10-21-2007, 10:02 AM
Can any of the Iwama people tell me what is the "traditional" way of tying the hakama? Do you tie the back first with the front straps wrapped around the outside, the front first with the knot in the back or the front, or is it a matter of personal choice? Did Saito Sensei ever address the proper wear of the hakama? Thank You!

10-21-2007, 11:57 AM
Ok this has been the subject of great debate at my dojo. I'll tell you the way my teacher (8 years in Iwama, Saito Sr. 4th dan) tied his hakama, after that I take no responsibility.

Tie the back first. bring the short ties around to the front and tie a bow (double reef knot). Then pull the front over that tie and pull it over and down the sides, wrap twice around yourself then tie what ever fancy knot you like in front.

Now, I know this is not a very traditional way to tie your Hakama. I have also been told it's the "hillbilly" way. That being said I have tried lots of different ways of tying my Hakama and this tends to hold up the best during hard training. It is a difficult one if you have to go to the bathroom though.

Demetrio Cereijo
10-21-2007, 01:26 PM
... It is a difficult one if you have to go to the bathroom though.

Here we do like Chris said, but with a shoelace knot instead a double reef knot. It makes the bathroom thing easier.

10-22-2007, 09:09 AM
Not "that much" of an Iwama stylist myself, but I tie my hakama as explained in the videos from Angier Sensei of Yanagi Ryu fame. I think it's called "juji musubi"...

Nafis Zahir
10-22-2007, 09:55 AM
Not "that much" of an Iwama stylist myself, but I tie my hakama as explained in the videos from Angier Sensei of Yanagi Ryu fame. I think it's called "juji musubi"...

Could you please explain?

10-23-2007, 01:51 PM
Could you please explain?
It's better explained in http://kimonoo.net/ha-1.html . Instructions are step by step but in Japanese. Anyway pictures are self explanatory.The result is like in this picture:


Hope it helps!

10-23-2007, 03:42 PM
It's better explained in http://kimonoo.net/ha-1.html .
I'd personally be a bit wary about having a knot being tied at the lower back like the above set of instructions/photos presents. This may be OK in day-to-day wearing of a hakama or in arts like kyudo and iaido, but I wouldn't want to fall on the knot during aikido keiko...

-- Jun

10-23-2007, 09:05 PM
I'd personally be a bit wary about having a knot being tied at the lower back ... I wouldn't want to fall on the knot during aikido keiko...

-- Jun

Absolutely agree. The one and only time I tied a knot in the back ukemi was unbearable.

Actually I often take the long ties, pass them around my back once, and don't actually tie them, just cross them under in front, pull that taught and wrap the ends around my back again and tuck them.

then I lock it down with the short strings.

This you can tighten up as you go with out undoing knots.. and it stays put if you keep your center.

Hard to describe but if you try it you will see what I mean.

But I will tie the long ties in front with a small crude knot before jiyu waza.

10-24-2007, 12:52 AM
I'd personally be a bit wary about having a knot being tied at the lower back like the above set of instructions/photos presents. This may be OK in day-to-day wearing of a hakama or in arts like kyudo and iaido, but I wouldn't want to fall on the knot during aikido keiko...
Totally agree, Jun. But I was referring to the hakama himo, not the obi, as I use the standard judo belt.

10-24-2007, 09:20 AM
Totally agree, Jun. But I was referring to the hakama himo, not the obi, as I use the standard judo belt.
I was referring to the hakama himo as well.

-- Jun

10-24-2007, 10:06 AM
A very common traditional Hakama tie (the one I would guess Jun is talking about), requires you to tie the himo in back first from the front panal.

Wearing a judo style belt under your hakama messes up your pleats, and looks goofy. I dicared that idea a few years ago, when I noticed it was distroying my hakama, and was much less comfortable then going without.

10-26-2007, 01:04 AM
Wearing a judo style belt under your hakama messes up your pleats, and looks goofy. I dicared that idea a few years ago, when I noticed it was distroying my hakama, and was much less comfortable then going without.
I agree with that. But a judo belt is better than nothing, IMHO.

10-29-2007, 11:08 PM
I wear an iai obi (color doesn't matter) and start by tying the front of my hakama. I wrap the front himo around twice, tying them in back. (I've heard people say it's dangerous, but this doesn't fit my experience.)

I bring the koshi ita up and lace the himo through the iai obi, pull them forward, and tie a pretty knot in front.

This way of tying my hakama has never resulted in an unexpected "flash" during keiko, and it's infinitely easier to drop hak in an emergency.