View Full Version : Finally.....a hint at testing

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Mike Hamer
07-25-2007, 07:33 PM
Hello all, my Sensei is currently over seas (Germany) for his 3rd Dan testing......He said I should start making class more regularly while he's gone because our Sempai is going to be going over the testing requirments for 5th kyu, and I'd be eligible along with a few others.......:D !! I know rank doesnt mean jack squat in reality.....but some sort of motivation would be nice!!!

07-26-2007, 02:00 AM
Your group's sempai is not a 5th kyu yet? Wow must be a very fresh group!
If your sensei says you're ready for your next test, that probably means you've shown improvement, and that's meaningful, and a reason to be proud!

07-26-2007, 02:04 AM
That's not what he said. He said the sempai is going over the requirements meaning our new friend will be going for 5th kyu.

Some of us think that grading are an important and useful part of progress providing focus and motivation. Good luck.

07-26-2007, 04:14 AM
Hello all, my Sensei is currently over seas (Germany) for his 3rd Dan testing......He said I should start making class more regularly while he's gone because our Sempai is going to be going over the testing requirments for 5th kyu, and I'd be eligible along with a few others.......:D !! I know rank doesnt mean jack squat in reality.....but some sort of motivation would be nice!!!

Sennsei testing for 3rd dan, and in Germany - that must be nice - expensive crossing the pond...Im an American stuck on the europe side now, albeit thats not a bad thing. ;)

As far as kyu testing, do you have 6 kyu or 5? (it varies place to place, 6 where Im at...and its not an automatic level when you walk in either.)

either way, you must be excited to test...Im sure you will do good, and your instructor must think you are ready or he wouldnt had mentioned this to you...so have fun.

Ironically I have had 2 people asked me if Im testing for my 6th kyu...guess they see improvement, I know I do...however there is another month or two if I am to go by the time requirements...

testing can be good to help you feel how well your advancing or rather to give you a visual sign, but likewise you can have this without it to. I know one guy who hasnt tested for 5 years. suppose he would be 2nd kyu now with how 'fast' advancement happens here in Hungary. ;)



07-26-2007, 07:18 AM
That's not what he said. He said the sempai is going over the requirements meaning our new friend will be going for 5th kyu.

You're right, funny how I understood it completely backwards :rolleyes:

07-26-2007, 07:40 AM
Been there, done that :D

07-26-2007, 09:12 AM
i personally love testing, just the atmosphere of it all is very intense, and your always (in my style) about to drop from near exhastion by the end of it, and you really feel like you have accomplished something at the end of it all when u recieve your next rank.

so, id say look forward to it. dont stress. if your sensei is going to let u test, then you are already ready and all you have to do is show them your stuff!!


Mike Hamer
07-28-2007, 02:56 AM
As far as kyu testing, do you have 6 kyu or 5? (it varies place to place, 6 where Im at...and its not an automatic level when you walk in either.)

We start out at 6th, Id be testing for 5th...