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07-17-2007, 12:56 PM
Well, we are hosting a 4 day seminar/training camp here in Karcag.
(small city of onlye 25k - didnt realize it would be this big.)

We have Sensei Imre Marton 4th dan, and Sensei Veisz Janos 3rd dan coming.
If I understood my sensei, Toth Thomas, they will have tv crews there possibly. (tv 2 which is one of the main 'country' channels...guys in the states, do realize europe is small, so its more like a 'state' event in this regards...none the less, I am quite looking forward to the experience)

They will have Aikdio - Aikitai (what is this? Aikitai)
Aikiken (not sure what this is) - Aikijo (k, got this one) as well as Aikido Tanto.

Here is another one: Battoda??? What is this?

Looks to be interesting, and I would love to hear from any Hungarians out there going to this event...but then again, dont believe any ever answered my thread which asked if any Hungarians were on aikiweb... - maybe lurkers, come on and register :D

anyone have quick definitions to the list of events let me know - again, a recap -
1) Aikido - Aikitai
2) Aikiken
3) Aikijo - the stick/pole
4) Aikido Tanto - knife
4) Battodo

Peace - hopefully I will make it through the camp, luckily I live close to the school. ;)


- what does sempai mean?

07-17-2007, 01:15 PM
1) Aikido - Aikitai {Aikikai - main style/organization of Aikido}
2) Aikiken {using the wooden sword - ken is a way of saying sword in Japanese}
3) Aikijo - the stick/pole
4) Aikido Tanto - knife
4) Battodo {cutting rolled up tatami mats with a real sword - the mats represents a persons neck/body part - if your good the sword will go right through but if your not then the sword will get stuck and could be damaged}

07-17-2007, 01:28 PM
1) Aikido - Aikitai {Aikikai - main style/organization of Aikido}
2) Aikiken {using the wooden sword - ken is a way of saying sword in Japanese}
3) Aikijo - the stick/pole
4) Aikido Tanto - knife
4) Battodo {cutting rolled up tatami mats with a real sword - the mats represents a persons neck/body part - if your good the sword will go right through but if your not then the sword will get stuck and could be damaged}

Thanks, I appreciate it.

one thing...they have it written as Aikido - Aikitai (note the 't' - could be a hungarian thing though)

sempai - does that mean kyu level instructor?
Just found out my sensai is actually sempai and 1 kyu.
(From the invite forms to the training camp)
He always had the black Hakama and trained for about 10 years so I thought he was dan ranked. He had also told us you could rank 2 belts each year. As it is now, from what Im finding out, most dont..anyway, doesnt really matter as he is a lot better than me. - though I suppose I will be in my white belt for sometime. ;)
...which I havent earned yet (but have to have something for the 'gi) we have 6 kyu levels here and they all have 'requirements' - in other words, 6th is not just walking in with a white belt.


07-17-2007, 01:34 PM
I have searched for AikiTai, and on what appears to be a french website it looks like its aikido incorporating Tai-chi.

Probably not to far off, as it appears one of the main instructors over some top guys in aikido in Hungary, is French (if I remember correctly)

So I guess we will have some Tai chi added in for fun.
That should be cool

07-17-2007, 01:40 PM
Sempai can be anyone more senior to you or it can be a more 'formal' useage as one of the seniors of the dojo that is not the 'Sensei' or chief instructor. It's usually a case by case type of thing and depends on the particular reishiki in a given dojo.

I'm not in Hungary but my last name (originally 'Juhasz' a few generations back - Joe Namath's mom also had it as her maiden name), I've been told, means 'shepherd' and is supposedly fairly common over there. My grandfather's family came over from Ketschkemet, changed the name from "Juhasz" to "Yuhasz". I spent some time in Budapest and Ketschkemet back in 1999 and had a wonderful visit.

07-17-2007, 01:41 PM
sempai - does that mean kyu level instructor?

Sempai means senior. So who ever started before you is your sempai be it 2 yrs. or 2 days. In the same token, you are sempai to who ever started after you. You could be totally lost in class but you started before somebody else who happens to be actually older than you but you are that person's sempai.

07-17-2007, 01:49 PM
Sempai can be anyone more senior to you or it can be a more 'formal' useage as one of the seniors of the dojo that is not the 'Sensei' or chief instructor. It's usually a case by case type of thing and depends on the particular reishiki in a given dojo.

I'm not in Hungary but my last name (originally 'Juhasz' a few generations back - Joe Namath's mom also had it as her maiden name), I've been told, means 'shepherd' and is supposedly fairly common over there. My grandfather's family came over from Ketschkemet, changed the name from "Juhasz" to "Yuhasz". I spent some time in Budapest and Ketschkemet back in 1999 and had a wonderful visit.

Thanks both Mike and Bud.
I added more to the post which had questioned what sempai was.

To summarize again, I have found out - through the camp invite, that my sensai is actually sempai and 1kyu.

Having known that he trained for 10 years, and he mentioned to my wife and I that you can level 2 belts per year, as well as the fact he wore the hakama unlike the rest of us, I was sure he was dan ranked. - again, no biggy, he is good and I have enjoyed classes.

He actually is a teacher at the school, and does pretty good with teaching aikido. (again, most of you will know that Im just now getting into the Hungarian language)

Yes, Juhasz...our childs doctor is Juhasz also. Common name indeed and it does mean shephard.

So there are people connected to Hungary here, cool.



07-22-2007, 04:31 AM
Well, update on the training camp - the 4 days are complete now...
what an experience.

First Hungary has had a heatwave - minimum 39 Celsius - so that in itself made training interesting. (in a gym with no airconditioning)

Aside from that I was impressed with the Senseis their.
Imre Marton 4th Dan
Janos Veisz 3rd Dan
(1 day a lady came, didnt catch name, as it ws not on my schedule sheet - I believe she was 2nd dan)

From my understanding...and here I could be off - but it appears the Shihan for the above is Tamura Nobuysohsi Sensei.

Anyone familiar with him at all?

I got a months worth (or more) of Aikido out of this seminar/camp.
(typically train twice a week at my dojo.)

We had visitors from as far as Vesprem, which is the west side of the country - but of course sensei Janos is from there...

Thats the update ;)



07-22-2007, 03:07 PM
Hi Dalen,

In response to your inquiry about Tamura Shihan, he is one of the luminaries in Aikido, particularly in Europe. If you do a Google search using the correct spelling of his name, Nobuyoshi Tamura, with the keyword aikido, you will find plenty of information on him. Enjoy the research, and the training!

07-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Hi Dalen,

In response to your inquiry about Tamura Shihan, he is one of the luminaries in Aikido, particularly in Europe. If you do a Google search using the correct spelling of his name, Nobuyoshi Tamura, with the keyword aikido, you will find plenty of information on him. Enjoy the research, and the training!

Thanks for the post.

Yes, I ended up doing a search and found out a good bit of info about him. I didnt realize his stature in the aikido world initially, but I suppose with the title shihan, he is bound to be well known.

It would be interesting to see him do aikido - I know he has been at some of the seminars with Imre Marton 4th dan (found some articles on the net)

It appears that he is present when black belt test are done. (dan)
Not sure if its required or not, as Im not completely clear of the system for testing (approval wise)


