View Full Version : So It's been one year now...

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Mike Hamer
07-01-2007, 08:30 PM
As of June 8th I will have been practicing Aikido for one year....wow, time kind of flys by doesn't it? I still haven't tested yet....which I find kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me...My Sensei isn't very test crazy, which I've heard from some can be a good thing. I mean, I have made progress in this year every now and then, I've had at least 2 mini enlightenments......one when I trained with Ikeda Sensei.......All in all I am very much still in love with Aikido, and I am looking forward to returning to Chicago Aikikai in November to train with Saotome Sensei.......I can't wait to see what I can learn!!!

07-01-2007, 09:49 PM
Congrats and keep studying, you will only learn to love it more as the years go by!!!!! It is a life long journey and I don't think that even the great masters (Shihans) are done learning yet!!!

Nafis Zahir
07-01-2007, 10:50 PM
Good Job! Keep on training!

Lan Powers
07-02-2007, 09:58 AM
Time flies when you re having fun.........

07-02-2007, 11:32 AM
Omedeto Gozaimasu! Ganbatte kudasai!

07-02-2007, 01:56 PM
All in all I am very much still in love with Aikido, and I am looking forward to returning to Chicago Aikikai in November to train with Saotome Sensei.......I can't wait to see what I can learn!!!
I like Choate sensei.:D

jennifer paige smith
07-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Many great marriages begin with wonderful love affairs. Overtime, the love remains if we continue to give to the relationship and we learn to express even more of ourselves as we discover it. Congratulations! I wish you both many happy years together.

Janet Rosen
07-08-2007, 09:12 PM
Congrats on hopefully the first of many milestones!

Mark Uttech
07-09-2007, 04:10 PM
The first year is actually the first hardest year. Keep going.

In gassho,


07-10-2007, 09:15 PM
I also have been with Aikido for about a year. It has really challenged me: both physically and mentally. Learning, as a grown adult, how to "move" and "breathe" all over again has been quite challenging!

I wouldn't give it up for anything! Keep at it...fellow newbie!

07-13-2007, 06:03 PM
ive been studying for about a year now too!! its so much fun isnt it!! i tested around february for my 5th kyu( or 4th, i can never remember which :P) tho. testing is fun! makes you work really hard!! but.i just thought id relate to u and our fellow newbie status!
haha :)

in aiki