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10-20-2001, 10:39 AM
There were two back to back issues of Aikinews which featured Shodokan Aikido. One of those contained an interview with my teacher Tetsuro Nariyama. Unfortunately the real meat is in the subscribers only portion but in any case the public part can be found
at http://www.aikidojournal.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000929

Its an excellent job answering many of the points raised again and again on these forums.

10-20-2001, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by PeterR
There were two back to back issues of Aikinews which featured Shodokan Aikido. One of those contained an interview with my teacher Tetsuro Nariyama. Unfortunately the real meat is in the subscribers only portion but in any case the public part can be found
at http://www.aikidojournal.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=9&t=000929

Its an excellent job answering many of the points raised again and again on these forums.

Thanks, Peter, that makes an interesting read. (Even though it stops just as its really getting down to business.)

Apparently, there will be printed copies of those issues available at the festival in Osaka, so hopefully I'll get to read the whole thing when everybody comes back.

(My local dojo is a suddenly a rather lonely place to be, lots of people have left for Osaka in the last few days.)

I heard a rumour that Nariyama and Shishida Shihans' book is finally going to be available in english and on sale in Osaka next week. Do you know anything about this? Maybe its just wishful thinking.

I also heard there's going to be some TV coverage of the tournament on NHK. I dont have any means of watching NHK, unfortunately, but hopefully that will mean there'll be some very good quality video footage around, for those of us who can't be there.


PS: Its a bit annoying that the Editor refers to Shihan as "Tetsuro Nariyama of Tomiki Aikido", though.
As far as I know, he never refers to Yoshinkan as "Shioda Aikido", or to Yoseikan as "Mochizuki Aikido", so whats so difficult about calling Shodokan by its proper name?

10-20-2001, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by deepsoup
Its a bit annoying that the Editor refers to Shihan as "Tetsuro Nariyama of Tomiki Aikido", though.
As far as I know, he never refers to Yoshinkan as "Shioda Aikido", or to Yoseikan as "Mochizuki Aikido", so whats so difficult about calling Shodokan by its proper name?

YAMANTAKA : Take a look at this page :

As you see, it's not just the Editor or anybody else, but its own practitioners that call Shodokan also Tomiki...;) But of course I agree with you and I think Tomiki himself was against that usage.
Anyway, I really advise everybody to subscribe to Aikido Journal on Line. The subscription lasts for one year and is really cheap for all it offers.
You may subscribe at

10-20-2001, 03:10 PM
Yeah I subscribe to Aikido Journal on line and the articles true worth comes out there.

As far as the editor introducing Nariyama Shihan of Tomiki Aikido I think that was probably intentional even though Stanley is well aware (or was made aware) of Tomiki's preference for Shodokan. More people, even those who study what he taught, know the name Tomiki than know Shodokan. The article goes on to explain the place of Shodokan.

10-20-2001, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by PeterR
There were two back to back issues of Aikinews which featured Shodokan Aikido.
... which reminds me that I need to follow up on setting up an interview with Seiji Tanaka sensei (7th dan, Shodokan aikido)...

It's been a while since I put up an interview, but I have two of them "in the works" which I'm hoping to have online soon. Stay tuned!

-- Jun

10-20-2001, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Kami

YAMANTAKA : Take a look at this page :

As you see, it's not just the Editor or anybody else, but its own practitioners that call Shodokan also Tomiki...;) But of course I agree with you and I think Tomiki himself was against that usage.

I know, those 'Tomiki' people are much more annoying than everyone else. The british ones annoy me even more, and dont even get me started on the BAA. :)

Nariyama Shihan recently wrote a short essay on the Shodokan Website (http://homepage2.nifty.com/shodokan/shihan/kosyo_e.html), to explain why Tomiki sensei didn't like the term "Tomiki style".

I have some old copies of 'Judo' magazines (the official journal of the British Judo Association) from the late 1960's, in which 'traditional' aikido was referred to as 'Ueshiba-ryu', I wonder how O Sensei would have felt about that.

(If he read the article in question, he might not have been impressed anyway. The traditional aikidoka in question were participating in the second aikido competition ever to be held in the UK, in September 1969. According to the article, they were distinguishable from the 'Tomiki' aikidoka by their large, circular, flowing technique, and of course by their hakama!)

Anyway, I really advise everybody to subscribe to Aikido Journal on Line. The subscription lasts for one year and is really cheap for all it offers.
You may subscribe at

Thanks Ubaldo, maybe I will. (If nobody brings a copy of those two back-issues back from Osaka, I'll have to. :))


10-21-2001, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by deepsoup
Nariyama Shihan recently wrote a short essay on the Shodokan Website (http://homepage2.nifty.com/shodokan/shihan/kosyo_e.html), to explain why Tomiki sensei didn't like the term "Tomiki style".

I read it. I think it explains it all quite clearly.

Originally posted by deepsoup
Thanks Ubaldo, maybe I will. (If nobody brings a copy of those two back-issues back from Osaka, I'll have to. :))

You should anyway. It's very good and really worth your money.

10-21-2001, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by PeterR
Yeah I subscribe to Aikido Journal on line and the articles true worth comes out there.
Well, I think Ubaldo talked me into it. I just tried to subscribe, but their secure server seems to be down, I'll try again later.

As far as the editor introducing Nariyama Shihan of Tomiki Aikido I think that was probably intentional even though Stanley is well aware (or was made aware) of Tomiki's preference for Shodokan. More people, even those who study what he taught, know the name Tomiki than know Shodokan. The article goes on to explain the place of Shodokan.

Yes, fair point. Re-reading my post, I think I sound a bit more pissy about it than I really intended to. I didn't intend any disrespect to Mr Pranin.


Jim ashby
10-21-2001, 02:30 PM
capital 'B' on British.

10-21-2001, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Jim ashby
capital 'B' on British.

Getting ready to bang on about nouns getting capitalised, but adjectives not, I just checked in the dictionary (Chambers).

Turns out you're absolutely right.
Thats blown my clever argument out of the water. :)
