View Full Version : This look like a good school?

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02-28-2007, 05:52 PM
Well after finding out that the dojo I was going to go to is moving out to a farther place, I started looking for another dojo. This is what I managed to find:


I will prolly go in to watch a class on Saturday. It seems like an old-folks place to me, but looks can be deceiving (as I've found). So, by the site alone, does it look like it's worth checking out?

Also if it's not good, I might be SOL when it comes to taking Aikido, since there are only 3 dojos in my city (Sacramento) that I could go to. This one, the one that is moving (prolly cant go there, too far), and some very expensive place I have yet to check out. Know of any other dojos in the Sacramento area, hopefully around the downtown area? And are there any other arts you would suggest that are similar to Aikido? Or any good dojos you've heard of in Sacramento (regardless of style)?

02-28-2007, 06:35 PM
CAA dojo, Doran Sensei (7th dan), instructor 5th dan. Should be a good solid school.

02-28-2007, 06:39 PM
It seems like an old-folks place to me
most of the good stuff comes from "old-folks.":D

Hanna B
02-28-2007, 07:02 PM
I will prolly go in to watch a class on Saturday.

That's the best way. Do that. Judging a dojo from a website is a hopeless task.

It seems like an old-folks place to me, but looks can be deceiving (as I've found).

If old-folks place means they have been around for a long time, that can actually be a good thing. OTOH, if the old folks don't attract - and keep - new people, then there is something seriously wrong about the place and you would probably be better off someplace else.

02-28-2007, 07:03 PM
I don't mean wise, old people. I mean fat old farts.

02-28-2007, 07:24 PM
Two direct students of Tri Sensei and one of them also studied weapons with Pat Hendricks.... I'd give it a shot.

Most important (to me anyway) is whether you like what is being taught there enough to make the commitment to come back week after week. It doesn't matter what their pedigree is or how well respected and knowledgable they might be, if you don't enjoy it in some way and get something out of it then you won't stick with it.

Try it for a bit, keep an open mind, and see what you think. If the dojo atmosphere just doesn't suit you, let them know. The martial arts community is relatively small and they may be able to steer you someplace that has what you want.


p.s. the AikiWeb dojo search engine shows 6 dojo within 25 miles of Sacramento.

03-01-2007, 12:00 AM
I don't mean wise, old people. I mean fat old farts.I am a fat, old fart. Try not to hold that against them. You might learn something.:eek:

Seriously, this school has a credible lineage. That is not as common as you might think. Give it a try. You can always move on if you don't think it's a good fit.

James Davis
03-01-2007, 11:26 AM
I've met plenty of old farts at seminars that could pretty easily toss me on my ass.

Of course, being a fat young fart, I suppose I'm a little biased.:D

03-01-2007, 11:36 AM
And then there are skinny female old fartessas...here, grab my wrist.Of course, I'm a brown belt and completely out of control of my aggressive impulses...

03-01-2007, 02:42 PM
I don't mean wise, old people. I mean fat old farts.

I resemble that remark.

And why is that a problem? My sensei is almost 72 and I don't think many would want to mess with him. He's not as vigorous in his practice as when he was young but he has over 50 years of training.

Other than for the purposes of very energetic practice, young is not necessarily better. A lot of them still think they know it all and have not been around long enough to realize they know very little.

03-01-2007, 05:02 PM
Well I don't really mind age at all, but I would like to see some people younger than 40. I don't have much against oldies, but some I've met are so narrow-minded and some are racist, not good for me. But this place will prolly have nobody like that, so I'm still gonna check it out.

BTW I'll only be able to make it to Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday classes. Maybe the weapons training as well. The last dojo I went to, the sensei said I should at least take 3 days. Think this is good to go on those 3 days, and when I get into it, do weapons training? Really its because I can get there at EARLIEST 5:45-6:00ish (relying on my mom to drive me there, and due to her work...yeah you get it).

Oh yeah, and I don't like the younger people either. Just to save my butt.

03-02-2007, 05:50 AM
Sensei Tri, the head instrcutor's teacher, was excellent. I train with his borther, Sensei Dang Thong Phong, in Tenshinkai Aikido. We have a picture of Tri Sensei in the Dojo.

Go look. If you like what you see; sign up, suite up, show up, and train. Only way to tell.

But this is coming from an old (56) fart, and proud of it. Never thought I'd live to be this old. Neither did a lot of other people.

03-02-2007, 06:57 AM
But this is coming from an old (56) fart, and proud of it. Never thought I'd live to be this old. Neither did a lot of other people.
I'm glad you did, but probably not as glad as you are... ;)

03-02-2007, 07:20 AM
There's a lot to be learned from _some_ fat old farts right enough, but you wouldn't want to train at a club that is 100% aging and tubby. You really want a few fit young ukes. (Of course a possible advantage of being a fat old fart - everyone else looks a lot more like a fit young uke than they otherwise would.)

03-02-2007, 07:49 AM
You're always welcome to come train with us if you do not deem Orangevale too far to travel. We have a wide range of students and I'm sure you'll fit right in, should you choose to do so.


Cheers ...

03-02-2007, 08:21 AM
I don't mean wise, old people. I mean fat old farts.

Don't think that was reflected in the photo's on their website!