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02-26-2007, 04:58 PM
Hello everyone,

My instructor and I have noticed that there are no Aikido specific Podcasts available out there. We decided to remedy that by starting our own Aikido podcast. You can check it out at


We have an interview with Seiji Tanaka sensei from Colorado and with Paul Linden from Ohio. Please take a listen and let us know what you think.


Jeff D.

Mike Hamer
02-28-2007, 02:15 AM
I like the music at the begining, very soothing. Looking forward to more podcasts!

02-28-2007, 06:43 AM
Thanks Mike! We're going to shoot for about one every month for now. I'll post here again when we've got a new one!

Jeff D.

Adam Huss
02-16-2010, 08:27 AM
Here's a four year old bump for you...

Link to some Aikido podcasts, including one from my teacher:

Jake McKee
02-16-2010, 03:07 PM
I enjoyed the podcasts.
What happened guys Jeff?

Did you make your podcast fortune and then retire? ;)

02-16-2010, 04:16 PM
I found them on the itunes store as well. They were great some great koens and concepts to chew on for many, many classes. Also gave me a nice insight into the Tomiki world (hithero unknown to my) and hope to remedy on the mat sometime soon

Please sir can we have some more

Linda Eskin
02-20-2010, 08:04 PM
Those podcasts were a great introduction to Aikido for me, before I even stepped into a dojo. I've listened to them dozens of time since, and hear something new every time.

Jeff Davidson and Bob King Sensei put together a really nice collection of interviews there - a great contribution to the whole community. I hope they (or someone else) might do more some day.

02-22-2010, 10:17 AM
More podcasts, yay! However, I can't get that link to work, so I'll have to check it out later.

I am a podcast listener and producer from way back.

The best thing about podcasts is they are intensely personal and rules-free. So the "guidelines" above are made to be broken. Do what you want, because there's no restrictions on form, content, or how often you publish.

That being said, I have some advice to offer if you'd like. FWIW, grain of salt, and all that jazz.

* Itunes is your friend. It's the way most people download and listen to podcasts. That being said, it's helpful to have direct download from your Web site, too.

* Try to stick to a regular schedule as much as possible, even if that's only once a month. The more regularly you put out content, the more people will listen, and the less likely you are to stop producing podcasts altogether (aka "podfade").

* Community is key. having a place for listeners to give feedback and for you to respond to them goes a long way towards people becoming loyal fans rather than casual listeners. If your site does not have a forum, you could even simply post here at Aikiweb every time you've got a new show coming out.

* Interviews are nice, but it's also nice to mix up the format with other stuff. Whatever the "stuff" may be.

* Shorter podcasts, of a half hour or less, tend to be received better than longer blocks of an hour or more.

* Find like-minded podcasts, if not aiki podcasts then Zen or martial arts casts, to build relationships with. It's fun because you can swap promos, and share listeners. And, since there's no "time slots," podcasting is a collaborative, not a competetive, environment.

* It's fun! Have fun!

02-22-2010, 10:22 AM
I enjoyed the podcasts.
What happened guys Jeff?

Did you make your podcast fortune and then retire? ;)

LOL! Those who podcast, much like those who practice aikido, don't do it for the money, because there really isn't any.

Jake McKee
05-05-2010, 09:27 AM
LOL! Those who podcast, much like those who practice aikido, don't do it for the money, because there really isn't any.

I guess the emoticon didn't convey my sarcasm too well. :)

But hey, those were some good podcasts tips there.
Sounds like we might have a new aikido podcast producer!

05-05-2010, 10:16 AM
Hey I just went to the site to look up a few podcasts, but the domain says it is for sale! What happened ???

If you've given up the site, are you going to put the past podcasts up somewhere? The would be nice to keep around.

Linda Eskin
05-05-2010, 10:42 AM
I believe they are still available on the iTunes store.

iTunes is a free app, and the podcasts are free in the store. :-)

05-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Last time I checked they were listed on ITunes, but no longer available for download.
Not enough activity/interest??

Linda Eskin
05-05-2010, 11:20 PM
Last time I checked they were listed on ITunes, but no longer available for download.
Not enough activity/interest??

I am seeing them there now, available. I found them by searching from the main page of the store, for Aikido. The actual name is "Aikido - The Way of Harmony Podcast".

Go get 'em! :-)

*** UPDATE ***

Acck! I just tried clicking on one, and it says it's not available in the US store. I can see them, but I can't get them. Yikes! I already have them, but I'm sure going to back them up.

I'll try writing to iTunes support tomorrow, and see if they could be reinstated. The content is not at all outdated, and even if they aren't hugely popular, they are a very valuable resource. Eeek.

Linda Eskin
05-06-2010, 12:50 PM
I just sent this note to the iTunes Store Support for Podcasts. Cross your fingers. I'll let you know what they say.

"I already have this set of 9 podcasts from 2007, but friends are trying to download them, and cannot.

I can see them when searching the store, but the message when I try to download them says "Your request could not be completed. The item you've requested is not currently available in the US store."

I am hoping they have not been pulled permanently, due to age or numbers of downloads. These podcasts are a very valuable resource for anyone interested in learning about Aikido (a Japanese martial art). The content is not dated at all. They are long, in-depth interviews with some of the world's most respected instructors, about the history, meaning, and future of the art.

If there is just a temporary database problem, fine... But if they've been taken down I hope you will consider making them available again. They are a real asset to the community.

Please let me know what the situation is, so I can get back to the people on AikiWeb.com, and locally, who are trying to access them.

Many thanks,