View Full Version : The Great Colorado Trip (Advice?)

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01-11-2007, 07:50 AM
While I am booking the tickets and sending for my passport for the March break today. I got the hotel picked out and everything. I am going to go with one of my training partners to Denver, Colorado. I intend to visit Nippon-Kan as well as Boulder Aikikai.

Does anyone on here train at any of these schools?

I was originally taking a rental car but I found out the train that is over there has a depot only minutes from my hotel, and also it stops 2 blocks from Nippon-Kan. So i won't need a car except for maybe on days I wish to visit Boulder Aikikai.

Does anyone know any way to get to Boulder Aikikai with out a cab or rental car? Is there another train that goes there?

The one guy at Boulder Aikikai "Ben" was very helpful with suggestions on the public transit and hotels. I have already saved over 200$ US on his advice. He also have very good things to say about Nippon-Kan, Gakku Homma and their restaurant. He even offered maps and directions. He told me all about how to get from the airport to my hotel and everything. However I don't want to impose on him again with more questions, so if anyone is in the area and has any ideas on how to get to their school let me know, because after talking to Boulder Aikikai I would not be happy going all that way and not visiting their school for classes as well.



01-11-2007, 11:37 AM
Hi there,

Unfortunately I don't know exactly where Boulder Aikikai is--I got into Aikido after I moved away--but I know you certainly aren't going to be able to catch a train there. Public transit in the Denver area is still...(searching for a charitable word here) rudimentary. You might be able to get an RTD bus, but I think that's your only chance w/o renting a car or catching a cab. LoDo is quite a way from Boulder.

Best of luck, and have fun out there! Make sure to snag a green chile beer at the Wynkoop...

Cheers :D

Yann Golanski
01-12-2007, 02:02 AM

Boulder is about a 50 minutes car drive from Denver which is the USA is close. Boulder Aikikai is easy to find, just look for the big sign on the road! I've sure Jun can give you the address. There's a Shodokan club there as well if you fancied trying it out. I didn't get a chance to go last time I was there.

To be honest, if you want to see anything, rent a car. It's cheap and useful. If you get a chance to go to Central City (or Black Hawk) and Glenn Wood springs (visit Doc Holiday's grave) do so. Both are awesome! Denver has plenty of good stuff as well.

Remember folks, American have to understand that 100 years is not history and Europeans have to understand that 100 miles is not far away.

01-12-2007, 11:03 AM

Boulder is about a 50 minutes car drive from Denver which is the USA is close. Boulder Aikikai is easy to find, just look for the big sign on the road! I've sure Jun can give you the address. There's a Shodokan club there as well if you fancied trying it out. I didn't get a chance to go last time I was there.

To be honest, if you want to see anything, rent a car. It's cheap and useful. If you get a chance to go to Central City (or Black Hawk) and Glenn Wood springs (visit Doc Holiday's grave) do so. Both are awesome! Denver has plenty of good stuff as well.

Remember folks, American have to understand that 100 years is not history and Europeans have to understand that 100 miles is not far away.

What is a cheap place to rent a car in Denver or Aurora?
Right now I am not finding resonable rates. 46$ US a day is not cheap for a rental car. :-(

Mike Sigman
01-12-2007, 11:49 AM
Remember folks, American have to understand that 100 years is not history and Europeans have to understand that 100 miles is not far away.One of the jokes I liked was when one of the local guides on the east coast was showing a building to some foreign tourists and she said, "Look at the building. It is over 250 years old.". One of the tourists muttered, "Wow.... wait until I tell my friends in Damascus about this!".

Boulder is not all that far from Denver and if it were me, I'd just take a bus. There's no way to rent a car very cheaply in the Denver metro area (not at the rates he needs).

It only takes about 40 minutes to get to Boulder, BTW, and it's not even close to 100 miles. Heck, I live in Durango.... in the same little state... and it take me about 8 hours to get from here to Boulder. ;)


01-12-2007, 12:19 PM
What is a cheap place to rent a car in Denver or Aurora?
Right now I am not finding resonable rates. 46$ US a day is not cheap for a rental car. :-(

For car rates - try orbitz, expedia, the car sites themselves - you can get rates for less than $46 / day. Also check into priceline.com (best to try priceline very near to the date you want it, as the rates you can get them at are lower as the time approaches since they want to get rid of them).

01-15-2007, 11:47 AM
For car rates - try orbitz, expedia, the car sites themselves - you can get rates for less than $46 / day. Also check into priceline.com (best to try priceline very near to the date you want it, as the rates you can get them at are lower as the time approaches since they want to get rid of them).

LOL I booked my airline and hotel with priceline.com
But I took off the rental car to try and make it cheaper.

Anyway I guess I could wait to book when I get down thier.
That way I can try the public transportation for a day and see how bad it relly is gonna be.

01-15-2007, 06:24 PM

Hi Andrew I actually live in Denver, so, let me try to help with some answers...

Nippon-Kan is a good and popular dojo in the Denver area. I began training here in Denver but have never gotten a chance to train there (I know plenty of studetns though). From what I understand, this is a more formal dojo and there are some polite things you may need to check. First, be sure to call Nippon-Kan at (303) 595-8256 and make sure its okay to stop in and train. I think that they don't let people on the mat who just drop by, you may need to pay the full month's dues before you are allowed to train. (PLEASE remember that I don't know for sure... you need to check!)

I have trained at Boulder Aikikai and Ikeda Sensei has a great technique and there are soooo many friendly aikidoka of ALL levels there! I know how to get there easily by car and there is a very reliable RTD bus that goes to Boulder daily. Check http://www.rtd-denver.com/ for the fares and such. Or Mapquest for driving directions (basicly go up hwy 36, take a right about 6 blocks into town and then a left 2 blocks up and an immediate right into the parking lot of a wearhouse like building). If you keep fishing and maybe even place a call or two you may find someone who lives in Denver but trains in Boulder to give you a lift. (They really are that nice, as you probably already know from Ben.)

Speaking of transportation the rental cars are pretty much the standard costs usually about US$30 -- US$60 per day depending on your preferences. The Light Rail system is best for getting around downtown, LoDo and South Denver but they don't go to the north and west of the city (we're working on it :rolleyes: ). You can get a bus pretty much anywhere else but it will make you trip about 30-45 min longer than it would have been if you drive.

Another couple of tips for you... there are some other cool dojos you may want to check out too (if you can) Denver Aikido w/ Edgar Johansen Sensei (near downtown Denver) is still in its innaugural year and doing GREAT! and (of course) my dojo (just on the east side of town) Aikido Doushin Juku w/ Jeff Albright Sensei and finally Aikikai Tanshin Juku w/ Kei Izawa Sensei (found in Laffayette -- halfway between Denver and Boulder) . Those in the city are pretty easy to get to and if you need a lift to our class I'd be happy to oblige. Also, there will be the annual Denver Aikido Summit with practices by many different styles on the weekend of March 24th. It is an awesome, spectacular and even great opportunity to get a sampling of all that Denver has to offer an Aikidoka (this last year they hosted Ki Society, Tomiki, Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin ryu, Aikikai Tanshin Juku and Boulder Aikikai).

I hope that some more 1st hand info helps and feel free to "impose" and PM me. I'm proud to share the "Mile High City" with any and all!

Elizabeth :D

01-18-2007, 09:56 AM
Thanks, I will have to visit your school for sure I sent you private message.


Hi Andrew I actually live in Denver, so, let me try to help with some answers...

Nippon-Kan is a good and popular dojo in the Denver area. I began training here in Denver but have never gotten a chance to train there (I know plenty of studetns though). From what I understand, this is a more formal dojo and there are some polite things you may need to check. First, be sure to call Nippon-Kan at (303) 595-8256 and make sure its okay to stop in and train. I think that they don't let people on the mat who just drop by, you may need to pay the full month's dues before you are allowed to train. (PLEASE remember that I don't know for sure... you need to check!)

I have trained at Boulder Aikikai and Ikeda Sensei has a great technique and there are soooo many friendly aikidoka of ALL levels there! I know how to get there easily by car and there is a very reliable RTD bus that goes to Boulder daily. Check http://www.rtd-denver.com/ for the fares and such. Or Mapquest for driving directions (basicly go up hwy 36, take a right about 6 blocks into town and then a left 2 blocks up and an immediate right into the parking lot of a wearhouse like building). If you keep fishing and maybe even place a call or two you may find someone who lives in Denver but trains in Boulder to give you a lift. (They really are that nice, as you probably already know from Ben.)

Speaking of transportation the rental cars are pretty much the standard costs usually about US$30 -- US$60 per day depending on your preferences. The Light Rail system is best for getting around downtown, LoDo and South Denver but they don't go to the north and west of the city (we're working on it :rolleyes: ). You can get a bus pretty much anywhere else but it will make you trip about 30-45 min longer than it would have been if you drive.

Another couple of tips for you... there are some other cool dojos you may want to check out too (if you can) Denver Aikido w/ Edgar Johansen Sensei (near downtown Denver) is still in its innaugural year and doing GREAT! and (of course) my dojo (just on the east side of town) Aikido Doushin Juku w/ Jeff Albright Sensei and finally Aikikai Tanshin Juku w/ Kei Izawa Sensei (found in Laffayette -- halfway between Denver and Boulder) . Those in the city are pretty easy to get to and if you need a lift to our class I'd be happy to oblige. Also, there will be the annual Denver Aikido Summit with practices by many different styles on the weekend of March 24th. It is an awesome, spectacular and even great opportunity to get a sampling of all that Denver has to offer an Aikidoka (this last year they hosted Ki Society, Tomiki, Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin ryu, Aikikai Tanshin Juku and Boulder Aikikai).

I hope that some more 1st hand info helps and feel free to "impose" and PM me. I'm proud to share the "Mile High City" with any and all!

Elizabeth :D

01-19-2007, 08:05 AM
While I filled my nights up nicely but now I must ask does Anyone know of any Aikido schools that are open during the day time on week days?

Or anything you should see or do when in the Area?

I want to see as much as I can when I go.
No point in staying in the hotel all day.

01-29-2007, 04:33 AM

If you do get to Glenwood Springs (IMHO, some of the most beautiful landscape in Colorado), see if you can hook up with my cousin Frank Gordon there. He's a great aikidoka and a warm, genuinely good guy.

GS is easily 3 hours form Denver, however ...


Mike Sigman
01-29-2007, 07:04 AM

If you do get to Glenwood Springs (IMHO, some of the most beautiful landscape in Colorado), see if you can hook up with my cousin Frank Gordon there. He's a great aikidoka and a warm, genuinely good guy.

GS is easily 3 hours form Denver, however ...

cgActually, I met Frank at the Shaner Workshop in Denver in December. Great guy. Refreshingly realistic approach to Aikido and, even though he doesn't do Ki Society Aikido, there he was out on the mat giving it a go. Can't be anymore open than that. ;) I'm planning to drop in and visit the next time I go through Glenwood.
