View Full Version : Fit TV - Sept 14 - Aikido

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Neal Earhart
09-12-2006, 08:16 PM
On Fit TV this Thursday, September 14th @ 10:00PM EST, the show "Deadly Arts" will feature Aikido.

Yamada Sensei appears in the episode :)


09-12-2006, 09:27 PM

09-13-2006, 02:51 AM
Deadly Arts takes viewers around the globe to uncover the myths, the legends and the spirituality behind six unique art forms.
Each chapter traces the culture and history that enriches each of the art forms right from the two-thousand-year unique Chinese legacy of Kung Fu to the distinct history of Karate and the rhythmic, acrobatic fighting style of Capoeira. Each chapter gives a bird’s eye view of the art form featured - be it Aikido-the martial art of peace, the male-dominated world of Muay Thai, or the rare Indian art of Kalaripayattu and its healing powers.

Aikido- Josette Normandeau seeks out Japan's top Aikido masters to train her in the martial art of peace. Includes sessions with:

Moriteru Ueshiba
Michio Hikitsuchi
Yoshimitsu Yamada
Hitohiro Saito
Seiji Gomita

09-13-2006, 02:57 AM
Cool! Kickin butt on TV. :D

09-13-2006, 09:20 AM
I think this is the episode where Josette Normandeau is standing in Narita Airport, speaking dramatically to the camera, asking something like "...will we find the aikido master..." when unbeknownst to her, a 6th dan from our organization happens to walk by peering curiously at the filming taking place.

James Davis
09-13-2006, 11:16 AM
I think this is the episode where Josette Normandeau is standing in Narita Airport, speaking dramatically to the camera, asking something like "...will we find the aikido master..." when unbeknownst to her, a 6th dan from our organization happens to walk by peering curiously at the filming taking place.
Ha. Cool. :D

09-13-2006, 02:10 PM
Caught it awhile a go. Other episodes too. Great show.
Jealous. How come I didn't think of that show.

Michael Young
09-13-2006, 02:44 PM
I think this is the episode where Josette Normandeau is standing in Narita Airport, speaking dramatically to the camera, asking something like "...will we find the aikido master..." when unbeknownst to her, a 6th dan from our organization happens to walk by peering curiously at the filming taking place.

hehehe...that is pricelesss, I'll have to watch that part of the show again (I've got it recorded, as it has been on before) and see if I can catch that.

Roman Kremianski
09-14-2006, 09:11 AM
Funny story - you know the guy who accompanies and trains alongside Josette Normandeau in the entire video? He came over to our dojo and sat down by the edge of the mat to watch a seminar going on at the moment. I too came over and sat down next to him to watch (We were the only ones there, so we exchanged brief hellos. I didn't train due to my arm being in a sling from a broken clavicle)

We watched the whole class, then at the end my friend comes over and says "Dude, do you know who you just sat with the whole time? That guy from the Deadly Arts: Aikido video!"

I didn't recognize him. :uch:

Damn his ukemi with Yamada sensei was good. Good video this is.

Avery Jenkins
09-14-2006, 05:38 PM
wouldn't you know that my cable company dropped fit tv in March....OK, somebody DVD it and mail it to me...

09-14-2006, 06:19 PM
hehehe...that is pricelesss, I'll have to watch that part of the show again (I've got it recorded, as it has been on before) and see if I can catch that.

Unfortunately, we don't have access here on that channel...so maybe you can upload somewhere the show in some downloadable format?


09-14-2006, 08:04 PM
Unfortunately, we don't have access here on that channel...so maybe you can upload somewhere the show in some downloadable format?

Please, somebody?

09-14-2006, 09:12 PM
The dvd is for sale at www.budovideos.com just search for deadly arts dvd.

This tv show was shown here in Asia several times last year by the National Geographic Channel.

09-15-2006, 10:00 AM
Try bittorrent.

09-15-2006, 10:29 AM
Hi folks,

Can we please direct the discussion away from how to circumvent international copyright laws? Thanks.

-- Jun

09-15-2006, 11:15 AM
Unfortunately, we don't have access here on that channel...so maybe you can upload somewhere the show in some downloadable format?


Hi josephine,

Im not sure, but doesn't national geographic show re-runs of that here?

anyway that was one really great documentary. :)

edit:quick question: I kinda forgot why, but didn't they leave the Humbo Dojo prematurely in the film? :straightf

09-15-2006, 04:18 PM
On Fit TV this Thursday, September 14th @ 10:00PM EST, the show "Deadly Arts" will feature Aikido.

Yamada Sensei appears in the episode :)


Glad it's back on the air, although the Aikido ep (and Thai Boxing ep, which is also recommended) have come and gone. Is it going to be on next month? Failing that, anyone know if the series is available on DVD?

09-17-2006, 07:48 PM
oh,i missed it! does anyone know if it is going to be re-runed again anytime soon?

09-19-2006, 05:49 AM
I have to admit i have watched this several times and i found it to be frustrating and disappointing.

The constant uses of the honourific "master/s" started to annoy me and the way she just turned up at dojos and expected to be taught was plain stupid.

It would have been good to differentiate between the different styles as well as she visited several different dojos in her program.

Considering she is supposed to be an aikidoka I was unimpressed with the porgram overall...but then i am a cynical git.
