View Full Version : Tenshin Aikido

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09-08-2006, 02:09 AM
i live in Los Angeles Ca, and looking into taking Aikido classes. does anyone know if there is a Tenshin Aikido Dojo in Los Angeles? ive visited Honbu Dojo (Sensei Obata, Toshishiro), and LA city Aikido (Sensei Kazuho, Nishida). both looks good, however, the LA city Aikido has a pretty small dojo. And Hondu Dojo has a big Dojo. is their really a difference in Aikido techniques from different dojo's?

James Young
09-08-2006, 10:11 AM
By Tenshin Aikido Dojo do you mean you want to study aikido as taught at the old Tenshin Dojo by Matsuoka-sensei under Steven Seagal-sensei? Or do you mean you want to study "Tenshin Aikido" as taught by teachers such as Luis Santos-sensei and other various teachers now. If it is the latter I don't believe they have any affiliated dojos in the L.A. area. However, if it is the former Matsuoka-sensei does have a dojo in Culver City. Details on that can be found at www.doshinokai.com

Ron Tisdale
09-08-2006, 10:24 AM
Yes, there can be a wide variaty of techniques between dojo, especially dojo with different affiliations. I would personally enjoy training with either the Doshinokai dojo (I have met and trained a very little bit with Matsuoka Sensei), or with Obata Sensei's group (I am affiliated with the Yoshinkan, where Obata Sensei spent quite a bit of time). Yet the waza that the two schools train is probably quite different...and I would expect that Matsuoka Sensei's school at least is different again from the Tenshin schools that maintain a link with Seagal Sensei. This is because Matsuoka Sensei is now studying under Abe Sensei (I believe), and the focus would be quite different from what he did with Seagal Sensei.

These differences are really something that should be felt for oneself...it is not something always easy to describe in a web posting. You should go to each of the local dojo, and make a determination for yourself based on how the instructors and seniors perform, how they relate to the students, and how you react to the teaching methodology (which often is what varies the most between dojo...sometimes even in the same association).


09-08-2006, 11:09 AM
ok thanks, Obata was not really helpful. i was there last night and he didnt even talk to me or greet me. even the teachers did not greet me. i had to come to them. :(
and even when i came to them they just told me to come tomorrow and sign up? and yes i want to be taught in the old tenshin aikido (sensei, seagal..

Ron Tisdale
09-08-2006, 11:16 AM
Obata Sensei's dojo is going to be fairly formal. I've never trained there, but my guess is they do a certain amount of weeding out right from the start. I believe they might see it this way...if you really want to be there, you show up, you train, and you go from there. Did you ask if you could train for a short time without a commitment to see if it's for you?

Their way of doing things, however, could legitimately not be the best for you. Some people thrive much better in smaller, more informal settings, and there's nothing wrong with that.

If you are looking for the former Tenshin group, others above can direct you better than I.


09-08-2006, 11:24 AM
The only legitamite TenShin school in California at this time is TenShin Chico, instructed by Jaimie Calderon Sensei. I know that is probably too far to travel, however like stated above Matsouka Sensei is a good choice, or if Ventura is not too far Larry Reynosa Sensei has a school there and he was with Seagal Sensei from 1983 I beleive until 2001. Other than that, I am sorry have no other information for you!!!

09-08-2006, 12:34 PM
thanks everyone,
yea chico is about 7 hours away from los angeles. :(
i do prefer smaller classes. so the sensei can spend a little more time with each individual. i will go back to Honbu dojo Monday and see if i can try it.... thanks

Ron Tisdale
09-08-2006, 12:52 PM
If you can, talk to Nathan Scott and let him know you spoke with me online, and wanted to try a class or two to see if it fits. Nathan is a good guy. As I said, they will be pretty serious and formal there.


09-08-2006, 01:06 PM
If you can, talk to Nathan Scott and let him know you spoke with me online, and wanted to try a class or two to see if it fits. Nathan is a good guy. As I said, they will be pretty serious and formal there.

Are you speaking of this (http://www.e-budo.com/forum/showthread.php?t=35036) Nathan Scott?

Ron Tisdale
09-08-2006, 01:51 PM
Yes, I am.


09-08-2006, 02:57 PM
ok ron will do.....do you know anything about the techniques they use? (Honbu dojo). and is it effective, because i work security here at the staples center and in the process with lapd detention officer.

09-08-2006, 06:53 PM

09-09-2006, 05:27 PM
I thought Matsuoka was in the Irvine area-at least a branch dojo there. He's directly under Abe sensei now I believe after splitting with Seagal. Calderone I believe is a shodan in the Bay area but Seagal is reportedly difficult to get rank from.

Ron Tisdale
09-11-2006, 04:51 AM
Obata Sensei came out of the Yoshinkan under Gozo Shioda. Strong reputation for effective aikido. Used to train Tokyo riot police. Though some would say more for spirit than technique, per se. I would recommend it for LEOs.


Dennis Hooker
09-12-2006, 02:22 PM
Are you looking for the Tenshinkai Aikido Federation Dojos or the TenShin Aikido Federation I believe they are two really different things. I believe in Ca. you will find the Tenshinkai Dojos

09-12-2006, 06:40 PM
He is looking for Seagals Methodology, not the Tenshinkai. Although, the Tenshinkai, from what I ahve heard, is a very good and practical school to be in. Maybe give them try too.

Nafis Zahir
09-12-2006, 11:21 PM
Try Little Tokyo


09-13-2006, 06:22 AM
He is looking for Seagals Methodology, .

Seagals Methodology :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: LOL
Is it about "how in 3 years become fat arogant tulku" ? :uch:

09-13-2006, 05:21 PM
Seagals Methodology :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: LOL
Is it about "how in 3 years become fat arogant tulku" ? :uch:

Yeah, ha ha!!! I was refering to his Aikido techniques methodology, good lord!!!!

Edwin Neal
09-22-2006, 04:57 PM
don't be so gung ho for "Seagal" style aikido i am sure there are many dojo's in your area visit as many as you can and see what you like the best... i don't know where you are but i believe the http://www.senshincenter.com/ ... dojo has a class specifically for LEO's... good luck...

01-20-2007, 03:01 PM
I should also clarify some information (bad information that I got and that I passed on here). The ONLY dojo's authorized to teach under Seagla Shihan are the ones ran by Craig Dunn Sensei in New Mexico, Jorge Angulo Sensei in Florida and Elliot Freeman Sensei in Missouri. There are no others, not even in California. Here is a link to a letter penned by Seagal and sent to Isoyama Shihan. Be well and stay safe everyone!!!


01-20-2007, 05:26 PM
My last knowledge was that Reynosa Sensei in Ventura and Matsuoka Sensei in Irvine (Ikazuchi Dojo) in Irvine were no longer with Tenshin or Seagal, and are both excellent teachers.

Tenshinkai, totally different, is at the Westminster Aikikai (Orange County) under Sensei Dang Thong Phong. See the Aiki Expo tapes for a sample. Extremely excellent. Worth taking a look. Tell anyone there I sent you.

01-20-2007, 05:59 PM
On Santos website, he says he resigned from Seagal's relationship in 12/06. I wonder what the date of the letter is to Isoyama sensei. If that is an accurate letter from Seagal, its sounds like Santos got himself in trouble. Interesting to note he has set himself up for godan with the budokai as a representative for his Tenshin Aikido.

01-20-2007, 06:18 PM
Yes I too have seen the resignation that is posted. My understanding is that the letter was penned after a meeting that Seagal had with Freeman Sensei and Angulo Sensei in November 2006. Also worth noting is that after the letter was posted, the "resignation" happened. But anyway, I do not know the whole story, and I am not going to make assumptions regarding the situtation as I do not know the whole story. But this is the info that I personally have at this time.

But, if he is a godan with budokai, is it knull and void since the 4th dan was obtained under false pretences???

01-20-2007, 08:32 PM
Sounds like he used Seagal's name to get the rank so I guess without Seagal's sanctioning of the rank that should void his budokai rank as well. I bet they don't know about it.

02-03-2007, 05:44 PM
ok thanks, Obata was not really helpful. i was there last night and he didnt even talk to me or greet me. even the teachers did not greet me. i had to come to them. :(
and even when i came to them they just told me to come tomorrow and sign up?


I train with Obata Sensei and this is not meant to be disrespectful. He is very formal as some of the other posters have stated. He will not say anything to you unless you specifically approach him first.

I watched three separate classes before a student approached and asked me if I had any questions. I was then introduced to Obata Sensei and his wife and they were very warm and kind. I immediately began training with them.

By not approaching you they are weeding out the insincere, so to speak, by seeing how dedicated you are. The Obatas expect their students to be sincere in their training and this is one way they feel you out.

As for effectiveness, Sensei's style is combat oriented -- there's less attention paid to ki per se as Sensei feels it develops naturally along with your technique -- and the emphasis is on footwork and proper mental attitude.

He teaches a blend of Daito-ryu, Yoshinkan and Aikikai styles in addition to Edo-era arrest techniques and Shinkendo sword training. Plus, he personally teaches every class unless he is out of town.

I have been out of the dojo for the last few months but will be back shortly and would be more than happy to help you in any way I can. Since I'm not on here much, don't send me an IM. I will check responses here from time to time to see if you are interested in stopping back by.



Ron Tisdale
02-05-2007, 11:41 AM
Vito, that was a very nice thing to do...please give Nathan and Obata Sensei my best.
