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07-26-2001, 09:45 PM
I think we need to find a V-Sensei. A virtual sensei. Someone we could call upon and get their words of wisdom when we are in dispair. Who should he or she be?

Personally, I'd vote for George S. Ledyard. Who else would be close? Chuck Clark? Peter Goldsbury? Jun Aikyama? Ubaldo Alcantara? George Leonard - why doesn't he post here? I kinda like Peter Rehse. mj? Mark, what are you doing here? Actually, you probably belong, you tough, tough guy! ;) and Erik, you fountain of wisdom!;) I could go on, but I'd better stop before I get into trouble.

I nominate George S. Ledyard!


07-26-2001, 09:50 PM
Oh, great going...now we will all argue for a week over which sensei should settle our disagreements :D, and then you will end up suggesting they all go outside and settle this like men (or is that mj's line?) ;)...

07-26-2001, 09:57 PM
Just wait till mj sees this tomorrow. He'll probably use my ribs as toothpicks!


07-26-2001, 10:01 PM
Oh Colleen, did I miss anyone in my list?


07-26-2001, 10:02 PM
I don't need a virtual sensei - the real one I got does just fine.

There are contributors to the forum that I go out of my way to read and others that I go out of my way to ignore. All we really know about each other is our typing skills.

07-26-2001, 10:14 PM

Ha ha! Yes, but we all seem to hang around Aikiweb, don't we?

It's not real (actually, it sort of is), however, you must admit we all learn a lot here (BTW, you were second on my list).


07-26-2001, 11:11 PM

Thanks for the compliment but I am probably the classic case of typing better than my Aikido.

I learn a lot on this forum and others - no doubt about that and its why I'm here.

My vote, if I was so inclined, would be Chuck Clark, mainly, and here's the rub, because he tends to agree with me. At least in his case he has been kicking around for a while.

07-26-2001, 11:52 PM
Erik, Chuck, Peter G, George....

That could have a nice ring to it. Strange, I've yet to receive my invite to demo at the Aikido Journal Friendship Demonstration....could it be lost? Damn postal service. I wonder where it is? Very strange.... :confused:

Now, I don't know about this sensei thing, but if you need a resident smart ass and a backup troublemaker I know where to look. :rolleyes:

George S. Ledyard
07-27-2001, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by Jim23
I think we need to find a V-Sensei. A virtual sensei. Someone we could call upon and get their words of wisdom when we are in dispair. Who should he or she be?

Personally, I'd vote for George S. Ledyard. Who else would be close? Chuck Clark? Peter Goldsbury? Jun Aikyama? Ubaldo Alcantara? George Leonard - why doesn't he post here? I kinda like Peter Rehse. mj? Mark, what are you doing here? Actually, you probably belong, you tough, tough guy! ;) and Erik, you fountain of wisdom!;) I could go on, but I'd better stop before I get into trouble.

I nominate George S. Ledyard!

The whole point of the internet and discussions is that everybody is collectively the V-Sensei. Nobody has all the answers but all together we often manage to come with something worth while.

Chuck Clark
07-27-2001, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by PeterR
I don't need a virtual sensei - the real one I got does just fine.

There are contributors to the forum that I go out of my way to read and others that I go out of my way to ignore. All we really know about each other is our typing skills.

I completely agree with Peter. If you don't have a teacher, spend the time you're normally on line visiting dojo until you find one. If you're really serious about wanting to study with a teacher that you've heard of or read something they've written ... move where that teacher has their dojo.


07-27-2001, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by George S. Ledyard

The whole point of the internet and discussions is that everybody is collectively the V-Sensei. Nobody has all the answers but all together we often manage to come with something worth while.
Yes V-Sensei. :)

This topic was actually just meant to be entertaining.

Maybe it should have been called We-Sensei. :D


07-27-2001, 09:57 AM
No way, Erik... I claimed the title of resident smartass (or was I named resident dumbass?) MONTHS ago... Though it's good to know that there are backup troublemakers....

heh heh heh...


07-30-2001, 12:41 AM
See - there he goes again.

Originally posted by Chuck Clark
I completely agree with Peter.

07-30-2001, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by Jim23
Just wait till mj sees this tomorrow. He'll probably use my ribs as toothpicks!

Just saw it....
I'm putting you quote in my CV, cheers.

07-30-2001, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by mj

Just saw it....
I'm putting you quote in my CV, cheers.

What does the 'V' stand for?;)

I guess people didn't really like this thread ... hmm.

Hope I didn't embarrass anyone here. It was just meant to be a light thread - a little tongue in cheek - not by any means a substitute for real training (that should be pretty obvious).
