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Mark Stokmans -- Aikido, Keri-waza - basic defensive techniques against kicks
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100% of reviewers $31.00 8.3




Description: Aikido, Keri-waza deals with a subject which is not commonplace in most aikido dojo's; defensive techniques against kicks. This book aims at providing a basis of training in Keri-waza. Not only an explanation of techniques but also explaining how training can be structured to enable educational, safe and fun practice. Keri-waza will not only broaden the view of any aikidoka upon this great art, but can provide a starting point for the exploration of the exciting world of kicks. Training in these forms teaches aikidoka a new form of flexibility, endurance, limberness, balance, martial sense and movement. The book includes a brief historical overview of martial arts relevant to this field of study, a theoretical and technical introduction into training Keri-waza and includes a detailed explanation (with full-colour photographs) of 42 techniques to Mae-geri (forward kick) and Mawashi-geri (roundhouse kick).
There is a full colour and a more economically priced black and white available. 140 pages including almost 400 foto's.

Available at http://stores.lulu.com/markstokmans

For more information, videoclips and foto's go to http://aikiblog.web-log.nl.
Keywords: Keri waza kicks aikido mae-geri mawashi-geri

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Mark Stokmans

Registered: July 2008
Location: Driebergen
Posts: 25
Review Date: Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $30.00 | Rating: 8 


Author: Frank Stavenuiter
Original posting: Aikido web-log

This book is easy to read and quite accesible. Also the comparison to other martial arts is clarifying. Certainly helpful for somebody like myself who has never worked with kicks. I think it is clearly a supplement to aikido practice and thought provoking. Also the pictures describing the techniques are nice and detailed even though I do not have the illusion that I could learn them from the book without a teacher.

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Aikido, Keri-waza
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Mark Stokmans

Registered: July 2008
Location: Driebergen
Posts: 25
Review Date: Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: None indicated | Rating: 8 


Author: Clark Bateman (excerpt)
Original post: Aikidojournal.com

This book is a thought-provoking look at adaptation of core Aikido techniques for use in kick defense.

The book is well written, well laid out and the photography is good. Many techniques are illustrated with sequential photos. The typeset is comfortable, and the printing and paper are of good quality.

Usually, when I review a new Aikido book, it is my sad duty to report that there is not much in the way of new information, but only a new presentation. That is not the case here, because just as kick defenses are not often seen in your neighborhood dojo, books with this much detail about the concept are very much new territory. Is it useful?

For complete review klik here.

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Aikido, Keri-waza
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Mark Stokmans

Registered: July 2008
Location: Driebergen
Posts: 25
Review Date: Would you recommend the product? Yes | Price you paid?: $32.00 | Rating: 9 

Pros: Aesthetics, new subject matter

Author: Abbas Kiani

Une reaction spontané sur Aikido, Keri-waza, le livre de Mark Stokmans

Je suis avant tout positivement surpris par l’esthétique de la présentation du livre (Aikido, Keri-waza van Mark Stokmans). Qui est en soi un art de répresentation. Les photos n’expriment pas seulement les techniques mais elles donnent aussi une dimension plus poetique à l’ensemble du sujet. Il est agreable à lire et à regarder.
Les information historiques des arts-martiaux données, sont bien dosés pourqu’ elles ne fatiguent pas la lecture.

L’aspect technique de Keri-waza n’est pas complètement méconnu aux professionels de l’aikido, mais elle n’est pas non plus dans les pratiques de tous les jours de nos dojos. C’est pourquoi je trouve ce livre très innovatif dans son ensemble.
Il est evident que les puristes de ce sport pourraient montrer une résistance à l’égard de toute nouveauté et changement.
Je suis toute fois convaincu que cela ne durera pas longtemps avant que keri-waza fasse partie integrant de l’aikido.
Je dirai cela en connaissance de cause puisque j’ai eu l’occasion d’assiste à un de ses cours de Mark Stokmans à Utrecht (NL). Les techniques de coups de pieds qui est le travail de Uke sont efficaces, mais ce dont surtout est beau à voir c’est le travail de (Tori) le contre-attaque. La recherche de Mark est base sur ce dernier. Il montre la souplesse de l’aikido qui peut à tout moment neutraliser les attaques de Uke qu’elles soient par les mains ou par les pieds. Ces techniques sont d’autant plus interessant qu’elles sont basées sur les techniques de base de l’aikido (ikkyo, nikkyo, irimi…) et beaucoup d’autres techniques.

Aikido est tout comme d’autres disciplines évolu qu’on accepte où pas et resister à son évolution est aller en contre courant de la philosophie de l’aikido puisqu’elle est basé sur l’ouverture de l’esprit.
Pour conclure je dirais que ce livre ne peut qu’ajouter une valeur supplémentaire à l’aikido.

Par ce text je voudrais saluer Mark Stokmans pour son livre sur Aikido, Keri-waza et à toutes personnes qui l’ont aidé à la realisation de ce livre.

Écris par,
Abbas Kiani ,
12 ans d’expérience en aikido a Utrecht (NL)
15 ans d’expérience en Taekwondo (ceinture negre)

A spontaneous reaction to Aikido, Keri-waza , the book by Mark Stokmans

Above all I am surprised in a good way by the aesthetics of the presentation of the book. (Aikido, Keri-waza by Mark Stokmans). Which is in itself an art of presentation. The foto’s do not only express the technique but also give a more poetic dimension to the subject matter.
It is pleasing to read and to look at. The historical information of the martial arts are well measured so that they do not tire at reading.

The technical aspect of keri-waza is not completely ignored by the professionals of the aikido, but it is not a part of everyday practices of our dojos either. This is the reason why I find this book very innovative as a whole. It is evident that the purists of this sport could show a resistance with regard to all novelty and change. Nevertheless I am convinced that it will not take a long time before keri-waza will be an integral part of aikido.

I will say that with full knowledge of the facts since I had the occasion to attend one of the trainings of Mark Stokmans in Utrecht (NL). The kicking techniques which are part of Uke’s work, are effective, but what is especially beautiful is to see the work of Tori in the counter-attack. The research of Mark is based on the latter. It shows the flexibility of the aikido which at any moment can neutralize the attacks of Uke regardless of they are made with the hands or feet. These techniques are so much more interesting because they are based on the basic techniques of the aikido (ikkyo, nikkyo, irimi…) and a lot of other techniques.

Aikido is just like others disciplines which evolved that one accepts or not and resisting its evolution is to go against the philosophy of the aikido since it is based on the opening of the spirit. To conclude I would say that this book can only bring an additional value to the aikido.

Through this text I would want to congratulate Mark Stokmans on his book on Aikido, keri-waza and to all persons that helped with the realisation of this book.

Written by

Abbas Kiani ,
12 ans aikido experience
15 years Taekwondo (1st dan)

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Aikido, Keri-waza
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