Hi, just a couple of notes
The guy at the ninja website is apparently a current student of Masaaki Hatsumi. I don`t know if Hatsumi Sensei is aware that his student is offering distance learning or not, but many people consider him to a very special budo teacher.
The testing at the aikido website is through nikyu. After that it says that testing must be done in person. There seems to be two issues here. One is the authority of the tester. This comes down to who has the "right" to call what they do "Aikido." It is my understanding that there many dojo in the US that are independant and are presumably giving rank. Some of them participate regularly on this website.
The second issue is the validity of learning and testing through video. I haven`t personally made up my mind about learning via video. As far as testing by video, I have this comment. There are many dojo in the US that have recently (the past ten years?) that have joined one of the major org.s that are headed by Japanese shihan. The shihan tests people at seminars, people whom he has never physically touched. In all likelihood, the shihan has never touched these people`s teacher, either. The shihan sits on the side of the mat, watches tests, and then makes a decision. This could all be done with video, could it not? And this way everyone wouldn`t have to sit seiza the whole time.
The shihan could grade tests in the comfort of his own home, legs up, and quaffing his favorite beverage.