Jaxon Brown (jaxonbrown) wrote:
I had a tendon ripped in my neck a few months ago from an oguski/shomenate technique. It didn't hurt until the next morning where i couldn't hardly swallow food because it hurt so bad. Not wanting to relive the experience, I was wondering how to recieve hard neck strikes during fast techniqes safely.
In Shodokan we do a lot of techs from Shomenate, often under the intense and fluid situation of hi speed and hi resistance randori.
I tend to sink/tuck my chin into my chest, similar to how I place my head for a backward ukemi, just before the palm makes contact with the chin and tori begins to move forward as the shomen ate is applied.
This causes the neck muscles to root the head to the rest of the body and protect the neck from damage due to whiplash effects or excessive pushing force on the head. It is also a good tech to protect the neck from a stranglehold/chokehold attack.
I hope this helps.
After the pain goes, try it and see what happens.