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Video Title:
Oyo Henka
Video Author: Saotome, Mitsugi
Review author:
Aleksey S
Rating given: 5 (out of 5)
I have quite a few tapes of Aikido material, including another one of Mr. Saotome.
This release, however, not only marks the first Aikido video to come out in DVD format, but it also addresses some of the most persistent (and irritating) issues that one comes across during practice.
In this video, you can see Mr. Saotome deal with resistance during variety of attacks and techniques.
Not unlike his other videos, this disc/tape is split into segments, "shomen uchi", "katate dori", and the like.
There's also a few minutes of historical black-and-white footage included, played to
some really nice music (this music also comes through at the end of the main video).
Technically, DVD quality is good (especially for a first try), the disc's menues function flawlessly.
One thing that I noticed about this video, is that unlike his previous work, where he mostly relied on a behind-camera-narrator, here Mr. Saotome actually speaks English.