We have an opening for this spring/summer/fall:
Aikido in Fredericksburg is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational corporation. We are looking for an intern to assist with plantings, maintenance, trail building, landscaping, mowing, etc. for our 7,200 square foot "green dojo" on 20 acres. Ideal candidates will have some horticultural and landscape experience or knowledge of equipment repair and maintenance but we will train anyone with a sincere interest in learning. As part of your work you will learn about organic gardening, native plants, composting, etc. You will live in the dojo as Uchideshi and be eligible to take up to 20 Aikido classes per week. Internship includes housing, Aikido classes, and a small monthly stipend.
aviv@aikidoinn.com with a resume if you are interested in applying. Applicants must be over 18 years of age and have current health insurance.