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Old 08-27-2000, 10:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 8

Why is Yoshinkan the style of Aikido used by the Tokyo Police instead of other types of Aikido?
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Old 08-28-2000, 04:31 PM   #2
Dan Hover
Dojo: Bond Street Dojo/Aikido of Greater Milwaukee
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 132
one of the main reasons why Yoshinkan is taught to the Tokyo police is the teaching methodology. If you have ever been in a YKN class, they tend to teach by the numbers, very staccoto like, lots of emphasis on technical stuff, and very good. Teaching this way makes it very easy to teach large groups of people at once, as they should be moving from "checkpoint" to "checkpoint" and at each of these "points" the instructor can check things such as balance, stance, posture, so on and so on. This in turn makes it easier to teach and observe large groups of people all at once. There are other reasons of course, Shioda Sensei wasn't really interested in Ki principles as much as he was interested in correct movement which might make an easier sell to a Police like organization. I'm not Yoshinkan so this is just my impression. Aikido journal had a good article a few issues back on how the Tokyo police dept and YKN bacame involved, I would go there if you want details.

Dan Hover

of course that's my opinion, I could be wrong
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