Posted 2012-11-25 21:23:52 by Henry Smith
News URL:
http://aikidophiiladelphia.otg Aiki...nsei, Aikido o
12/1/12. A Benefit Fundraising Aikido Seminar for Ed Shockley, Sandan/Fukushidoin - from 10:30AM - 5PM. With Henry Smith Shihan, Jerry Zimmerman Sensei 5 Dan, and Irv Faust Sensei 6 Dan.
My assistant and fukushidoin, Sandan Ed Shockley suffered a stroke recently at Friday night practice, was hosopitalized for 3 weeks, and is currently rehabbing,.
Ed has been a tremendous asset for
Aikikai of Philadelphia and the Aikido communit as a whole. He does not have any health insurance for either his hospitalization or for therapy and rehabilitation. And timing is critical, in that the sooner he receives dedicated cognitive rehab and neurophysical therapy, the sooner he will be able to return to the mat.
Come Support Ed!!!
- Henry Smith Shihan, Aikikai of Philadelphia
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